2025: A Year of Reformation and Kingdom Building

by | Jan 5, 2025 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise, Prophetic Word | 2 comments

Home 9 Crossing Over; Step into the Promise 9 2025: A Year of Reformation and Kingdom Building

The year 2025 will be marked by major advancements in building the Kingdom of God on earth and a profound call to church reformation. This is not a time for passivity but a year to take up physical tools and spiritual weapons—to build and defend what God is establishing.

Each of us has been given a divine role in this process of reformation and Kingdom building.

Some will build with their hands, creating and advancing God’s plans in the natural world, while others will rise as spiritual workers, interceding in prayer, covering the work with prophetic insight, and standing guard against the enemy’s schemes.

Just as in the time of Nehemiah, when the people rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls under constant threat, God is calling His people to be alert and unified, as we forge ahead partnering with the plans of the Lord.

Nehemiah 4:16-18 says: “From that day on, half of my servants did the work while the other half held spears, shields, bows, and armor. The officers stationed themselves behind all the people of Judah who were rebuilding the wall. The laborers who carried materials worked with one hand and held a weapon with the other. And each of the builders worked with his sword strapped at his side.”

In a similar way, God is assembling teams with specific missions for the Kingdom’s advancement and Reformation:

Kingdom Builders:

Servant-hearted leaders, surrendered to the Holy Spirit, who faithfully train and equip believers to carry out the work of the ministry.

Intercessory teams:

These teams will act as spiritual warriors covering the work in prayer, cutting off the attacks of the enemy, and dismantling assignments designed to interfere with God’s plans.

Evangelism teams:

Called to go out into the harvest, these teams will carry the Gospel with boldness, bringing in souls to the Kingdom in unprecedented ways.

Prophetic teams:

Like watchmen on the wall, these teams will provide guidance, encouragement, and warning, helping the builders fulfill God’s vision.

Let us heed the call and step into our roles, just as the people of Nehemiah’s time did. With one hand, we build, and with the other, we defend. Together, we will see God’s Kingdom established in greater measure on the earth in 2025!

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  1. Tiffany Nesbitt

    Candi, this is SOOOOO good! So beautifully written and powerfully expressed. YES AND AMEN!!

  2. Deborah

    Amen! Let it be…make it so, LORD JESUS!


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