Breathe on me Breath of God

by | Mar 21, 2020 | Spiritual Growth | 6 comments

Home 9 Spiritual Growth 9 Breathe on me Breath of God

Breathe on me breath of God

Breathe on me breath of God. – The Ruah, breath, wind, spirit, of God.

Hello Dear Ones, While sitting near the beach, breathing in the Ruah (breath) of God, I heard the Lord say “Pause.” Shortly after this, social distancing was implemented due to the Covid virus.


The definition of pause is a temporary stop. To be still, to halt! – Like the games Freeze Dance and Simon Says, this is a strategic time to intently fixate on the voice of God for instruction. 

God is giving us breathing space to reflect on our spiritual condition. What have we taken in to our souls? What has taken our breath away? What whispers of the enemy, lies and offenses have settled into our lungs like a spiritual cancer? Pause, reflect and reset your heart and mind on the truth and life found in the Ruah breath of God. “Come, breathe on me breath of God!”

The meaning of pause, is to wait. We don’t need to figure everything out. Pray, rest and wait for God to move; to blow fresh wind into our hearts, our homes and our lives. Psalm 62:5 – For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is in Him.

To pause is to rest to emphasize the meaning. We can use this time of rest in meaningful ways. Study and contemplate God’s Word. Soak in His presence or explore His creation.  

Pause and remember what really matters… People. Family, friends and neighbors, so often get pushed to the side while we give our attention to less important things. 

Perhaps my favorite definition of pause is the COMMA! … This happened, and then…!!! Breath on me breath of GodGod is about to do something EPIC. This comma shaped like a drop of blood.  iThat is what the world really needs; the saving and healing blood of Jesus.

The false prophet of this hour is the fear based news – But God has good news for us today! God is about to pour out the Ruah breath of God, (His Spirit and life), in an extraordinary way!

So rest up and get ready…stay alert and be expectant… because He is coming and He is bringing a powerful move of His Spirit with Him -The Ruah breath of God!

Invite the Ruah of God to blow through your home and your city! Ruah is the wind, the spirit, that parted the waters and created dry land, – it is the very breath that God breathed into humans when He created the. Psalm 33:6 – By the Word of the Lord the heaven’s were made, all the host of the by the breath of His mouth.

The world is choking on fear and gasping for hope. We know that hope has a name and His name is Jesus! Lord Jesus, show us how to lead them into an encounter of your love and  your breath that brings life. We breathe you in today and we blow and release your spirit  on every person we encounter, in our city and on our streets. in John 20:22  Jesus breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”…

Yahweh, our God who moves the mountains and rides the winds to save us, we call upon your name to show mercy and help us in our time of need. We believe that a cure for the Coved (lung virus) will be released from the Ruah of heaven – The mighty breath of our amazing God! Forgive us oh Jesus, for the evil we have done in your sight. Come quickly Holy Spirit, heal our land and breathe on me the breath of God!

Psalm 104 – The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. … Isaiah 41:10 – So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand!



  1. Jennifer Kosky

    🌬❤️🙏🏻 Amen and amen!!!!!

    • Yolanda Ketel

      Thank you for such a powerful revelation! We were born for such a time as this!

  2. Krista goss

    This is definitely true! The world needed a reminder to pause and cherish what is. For me, cherishing and loving myself and my personal growth. Thank the lord for that!

  3. Sarah

    A great reminder… “pause” to reflect on how very Christ like are we? and where does God want to breathe more of Him into us. So beautiful, thank you for sharing.
    Love you sister.

    • Kristi Lancer

      This is so beautiful, Candi! I love how the Lord in His goodness and mercy calls us to a deeper place of rest in Him. As we fix our eyes on Him and breathe in His breath of life we find peace and rest in the midst of the chaos around us. This blog is such a wonderful reminder to keep our focus on Him, make sure our hearts are in a good place with Him, treasure the simple things and people in our life and wait for Him with great expectation for the powerful move of His Holy Spirit on the earth. Thanks for sharing the revelation He gave you. It blessed me and so many others!!!

  4. Cherisse Sayer

    A remarkable word Candi ! As I read I sensed in my lungs and in my spirit… this is THE CLEANSING BREATH of GOD. Spring cleaning for body , mind and spirit. This is the air we breath. Thankyou Jesus.


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