Home 9 About Me

Hi there! 

I’m Candi, a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and a cherished daughter of the King of kings. My journey includes being a Christian spiritual counselor offering renewal, inner-healing, and personal freedom, a prophetic voice, church planter, author, blogger, artist, and narrator. My greatest joy comes from knowing Jesus and living a life abundant with family, joy, and purpose.

Creativity is at the core of who I am, and writing brings me great joy. I find deep fulfillment in studying God’s word and exploring His mysteries through writing. Prophetic blogging, writing Christian meditations, and providing spiritual counseling are some of the ways I serve God and honor the gifts He has given me.

For 30 + years, I’ve been crafting Christian meditations, combining narrative stories with Scripture, music, and sound to create a restful space in God’s presence. My desire is to help people know Jesus more deeply and intimately.

As a spiritual counselor, I specialize in Spiritual Renewal sessions, which facilitate personal and interactive encounters with Jesus.

Each session, guided by the Holy Spirit, addresses individual needs for spiritual growth, soul restoration, baptism in the spirit, and healing. These encounters, contributing to the restoration of God’s people, are among my greatest joys!

I offer Christian spiritual counseling at Testimony Life and am honored to be part of the senior leadership team at NewSong, a collective of micro-churches dedicated to outreach, discipleship, and extravagant worship of Jesus. At Newsong, I serve as a prophetic voice, elder, and overseer of the SPA.

My Journey:

2005 – I joined the healing rooms at Vineyard Church, Laguna Niguel. Mentored and trained in healing by Deborah Daroni, intercessor and Pastor of Prayer. During this time, we focused on intimacy with God and purity of body, mind, and heart, and launched a soaking ministry. I served with Deborah for five wonderful years, learning from her and partnering in healing prayer. We released my meditations through this venue.

2011 – When Deborah moved to Hawaii, I was led to HCF, leading to the beautiful multiplication of our efforts.

2012 – I began “Life in the Spirit’s Soaking Ministry” at HCF, San Clemente, my church at the time. My precious friend and ministry partner, Kristi Lancer, faithfully worked alongside me, as she does to this day.

2016 to 2018 – I focused on expanding the ministry and its leadership and sought to train and empower others to use their diverse spiritual gifts. During this time, we added inspired art, prophetic word, dance, and song into the ministry.

2018 – Feeling led to further my training in healing ministry, I completed Sozo and advanced Sozo through Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry. Since then, I have been serving as a Christian spiritual counselor at Testimony Life.

2019 – The Lord brought more leaders to my team: Cherisse Sayer, Pam Lowe, and Cat Erickson. Their addition helped  the SPA grow beyond what I dreamed possible! We grew to 45 gifted and anointed team servants. Since then, the Spiritual SPA has continued to evolve. 

2020 – In March, Jesus visited my heart and told me He was closing the door to the old church ways and beginning a new era. He asked me to give Him everything—time, money, titles, ministries, and even the SPA. 

Although somewhat bewildered, I said, “Yes, Lord, of course, you can have it all.” And with tears and obedience, I laid all these things at His feet, and closed the SPA doors. I followed Him and He led me to NewSong, a micro House Church movement where my life was forever changed! I serve as an elder, Shepard and prophetic voice for NewSong.

2021 – In March, one year later, the Lord stirred my heart with a fresh vision for His SPA. It still has all the same elements and so much more! The SPA (training center) now offers unlimited resources and opportunities for growth and advancement for your spirit, mind, and body. Testimony Life, where I also serve as a spiritual counselor, graciously allows us to use their building, a beautifully refurbished  house from the 1900s. 

Our team comes from several different Christian churches, and we co-labor with various incredible, spirit-led ministries throughout the body of Christ.

I am honored and blessed to be part of what God is doing through this ministry. It’s been a remarkable part of my journey with Jesus, and I hope you will take the opportunity to allow the SPA experience to be part of your journey too.



Gifts of the Spirit

God has given me spiritual gifts of prophecy, exhortation, discernment and healing, The Holy Spirit speaks to me primarily through scripture, dreams & visions. I’m a prophetic dreamer. Prophetic sight is similar to watching a movie. The prophetic pictures unfold, revealing the fathers heart. Throughout the Bible God spoke through visions, dreams and parables. Prophets with visual prophetic ability are called Seers. 1 Samuel, Chronicles. When I meditate and rest in the presence of God, I sometimes receive revelation from heaven. These beautiful visions become the inspirations for my meditative CD’s.

The beautiful gift of family.




Jesus blessed me with three wonderful and gifted daughters. They show God’s love and compassion through their lives in many beautiful ways.





They make me laugh and fill my heart with so much love.

life in the spirit



My sweetheart! This Godly man makes me so happy! I just love my humble, kind, lion-hearted husband, King Richard. He champions me, always believing in my potential.



What a joy it is to be in the family of God! My friends and ministry partners constantly amaze me by the way they exemplify Christ.


  John 10:10 … I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly!

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