Crossing Over

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Prophetic Word | 3 comments

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Prophetic Word - Creative Metaphor, Crossing Over

“CROSSING OVER” Prophetic Word – Metaphor #23, 6/14/2020

I feel a shift in the spirit. Todays post begins a new prophetic timeline when we transition from rescue to crossing over. 

To catch up on past posts in the EXODUS SERIES, CLICK HERE.

Crossing Over

Iv’e been experiencing this strange feeling of being in a VORTEX, like the eye of a storm. I also had a profound prophetic vision of a tsunami happening in both the natural and spiritual realms. 

Violently it swirled around me, and yet, in utter peace, I stood in the presence of God. 

I was still, and my hair was motionless. There was a SUPERNATURAL GRACE for this present storm available for friends of Christ. Jesus will provide us with relief from fear, stress, and anxiety. All we need to do is put our TRUST in HIM.

passing over, prophetic word - creative metaphorThis morning I awoke from a prophetic dream at 2:15 A.M. I heard the words “Brace for Impact.” I understood God was showing me another part of our journey through the Exodus.

He is making way for us to MOVE FORWARD so we can cross over to the other side… the land of promise.

I asked Him to show me what crossing over means for us in 2020 and BEYOND. He took me to Exodus 14:15-29, which goes along with the vision of the storm.

Exodus 13:14 – Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm, and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be STILL.

Crossing over can be unsettling, especially if your eyes aren’t on Jesus. It must have been terrifying for the Israelites just before they crossed over. I imagine them standing on the shore, trapped between a violent sea of water and a raging Egyptian army.

I can imagine them walking between two massive walls of water amid the sea. 

What was it like to feel the torrential water and wind on every side? I can almost hear the cry of warfare in the air and the sound of wheels barreling forward, leading a bloodthirsty, demonic army.

I wonder what negative thoughts they had. Thoughts like “Nothing good ever happens to us, or we will surely die in this place!” 

They were born into slavery, brutalized, and oppressed. But GOD, their faithful father, heard their cry and rescued them. 

God has heard our cry too. As we FORGE AHEAD, we can not look back at the enemy, listen to his threatening voice, or fear what man can do. 

We must WALK in God’s presence, LISTEN to our father’s THUNDERING (VOICE), and fix our eyes on the PROMISE LAND that lies ahead!

Psalm 77:18 – Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind, Your LIGHTNING LIT UP THE WORLD; the earth trembled and quaked. Your PATH led through the sea, your way THROUGH THE MIGHTY WATERS, though your footprints were not seen. You LED YOUR PEOPLE like a FLOCK, by the hand of Moses and Aaron. 

Vision part 2. 

I saw myself standing on the dry ground amid the RED SEA. There was a VIOLENT STORM. The storm’s power lifted everything up from the bottom of the sea and hurled it onto the shore behind me.

I saw multiple wooden wheels from the CRASH of CHARIOTS. The enemy is dead in his tracks. 

I saw soggy wet PAPERS and packets of DOCUMENTS littering the shores. These represent the DOCTRINE OF DEMONS; ungodly laws, ideas, agendas, and concepts imposed upon us to bring chaos and dismantle morality in society.

I noticed the AMERICAN FLAG, RAISED UP on a flagpole. The pole was set in a block of CEMENT. (firm foundation) It was leaning to the RIGHT at about 60 degrees. It had been pushed – YET IT STANDS! Oh this encourages my heart! AMERICA SHALL STAND towards the right! Next, I felt a warning from the Lord as He said, “DO NOT LOOK BACK.” and I was reminded that Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:26 

Exodus 14:30 – So the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians DEAD on the SEASHORE. Thus Israel saw the GREAT WORK which the Lord had done in Egypt; So the PEOPLE FEARED the LORD… and put their TRUST in HIM.

Matthew 2:15 … where he stayed until the death of Herod. (tyrant) and so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” (symbolic of Father God protecting Israel – son)

The FEAR of the LORD is MISSING in believers today. In part, I believe God is permitting these present storms to turn the people’s hearts to the Lord. 

Houses of worship look more like businesses than churches. Jesus is NOT PLEASED with the clubs and corporations we developed – in His name. 

Reformation is imminent. Those that represent Jesus are in a season of HOLY RESET. 

My mentor used to say, “When we know better, we do better.” And now we KNOW that 

Jesus is disciplining (judging) the house of God this year. Praise be to God; we have a chance to get it right! An opportunity to DO BETTER. Forgive us, Lord! Thank you for another chance to become your pure and spotless bride and an opportunity to build something that brings glory and pleasure to you.

Jesus reminded me of when He FLIPPED the money TABLES in the temple. Similarly, in this vision of the parted sea and swamp draining, God is OVERTURNING EVERYTHING that LITTERS the ocean’s floor. 

He is shaking everything that can be shaken. If we are right with God and pure in His site, it won’t hurt so much when God flips us over and shakes us out. 

I have been going through the holy shakedown for a few months now. He reveals, and I repent, and it’s good. I want everything that is not of God, OUT of me!

Matthew 21:12-15 – Upon entering Jerusalem Jesus went directly into the temple area and DROVE AWAY all the MERCHANTS who were BUYING and SELLING THEIR GOODS. He OVERTURNED THE TABLES of the money changers and the stands of those SELLING DOVES (Holy Spirit) And he said to them, “My dwelling place will be known as a HOUSE of PRAYER, but YOU HAVE MADE IT into a HANGOUT for thieves!”


4 tough questions:

  1. In what way have I participated in SELLING or EXPLOITING the DOVE (Jesus/Holy Spirit) rather than giving Him away for free?
  2. What can I do to abolish a CLUB JESUS mentality IN ME? 
  3. What churchy things, happenings, ministries, programs, ect… am I doing that are more ABOUT ME than they are about Jesus? Gifts, titles, recognition, popularity, personal gain.
  4. What is the FRUIT of my labor? Salvation, transformation, multiplication?
Vision part 3.

I saw Jesus in the middle of the parted sea, so I ran to Him, clinging to His leg. I looked like a five-year-old chid. (5 = grace) A strange, crazy storm was moving in different directions. The only safe place to hide was in Jesus. I was made aware of ANOTHER WIND within the storm. I recognized that this wind was from the Holy Spirit.

 Next, I was eating a triple (3 -complete/perfect) scoop ice cream that Jesus gave me. It was chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. So I’m licking this big ice cream in the middle of a crazy storm, wondering why Jesus gave it to me now (in this scene) … and then I remember… My Dad passed away a few years ago. He always spent quality time with each of us kids. A walk to Thrifty’s to get ice cream cone was one of our special outings. Though one or two scoops were adequate for a kid, he always bought me three scoops! My dad made me feel special, safe, loved, and secure. In This present storm, Jesus is comforting me, like my Daddy would have. (Also sweet that it’s almost Fathers Day.)

After I finished the ice cream cone, Jesus said to me, “NOW SPEAK!”  I understood that He was instructing me to use my AUTHORITY to DIRECT THE WIND. In Matthew 8, Jesus calmed a storm. Like Moses, We have authority OVER the storm, to both CALM a storm, and DIRECT its POWER! I am reminded that this is the year of the VOICE – PEY.

Please join me in taking what the enemy sent for harm and RE-DIRECTING it to specific structures and systems that need to be blown away, eradicated and dismantled! Let us co-labor with the powerful WIND of GOD.

Moses didn’t just stand around and wait for God to do everything … he PARTNERED with God, and acted in OBEDIENCE. Moses released the power of God for miracles, signs and wonders on behalf of Gods people. He also went along with God’s judgments, by LIFTING HIS STAFF, and calling for thunder, hail, and fire to come down to the earth. (Ex. 9:23)

Notice the following action words – Tell, Raise, Stretch, Divide, Go. 

Exodus 14:15-16; Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? TELL the Israelites to MOVE on. RAISE your staff and STRETCH out your hand over the sea to DIVIDE the water so that the Israelites can GO through the sea on dry ground. 

We can see this same heavenly DIRECTIVE in HEALING MINISTRY. Lift your arms to God, stretch out your hand to the person, tell/command the sickness to go, divide/separate the person from the infirmity or demon.

Exodus Chapter 15, 15 = triple grace! (triple scoops of grace!)🍦🍦🍦

After the LORD DESTROYED THEIR ENEMIES, the Israelites BROKE OUT IN SONG! They worshipped the Lord for the GREAT and MIGHTY things He did for them.

They sang: vs15:8 – and with the blast of your nostrils, the waters were gathered together … vs10 – you BLEW with your WIND, the sea covered them, they sank like lead in the mighty waters…. vs13 – You in your MERCY have LED FORTH the people whom you have REDEEMED. Till your people PASS OVER, O Lord, Till the people PASS OVER whom you have purchased. You will bring them in and plant them in the MOUNTAIN of your inheritance…

Beloved… you have been set FREE…. NOW the JOURNEY BEGINS… keep moving FORWARD… SING PRAISES to the KING,  DO NOT FEAR… the GOOD SHEPHERD is with you and He will SHOW YOU the WAY to the land of PROMISE.

Catch up on the EXODUS SERIES, HERE.

Spiritual Renewal Sessions

Do you need hope, healing, and wholeness? Imagine connecting personally and interactively to God in such a way that you can feel His abiding presence, and experience His great love for you. In a Spiritual Renewal session, you will be guided through a loving, interactive encounter with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

A session may include going on a prophetic journey, receiving prayer against the enemy’s schemes, or imparting supernatural peace and joy. You will be coached to discern the three voices—God’s voice, your voice, and the enemy’s voice. And you will be built up and reinforced by Biblical principles and kingdom mindsets.

Jen’s Story – Spiritual Renewal, YouTube Testimonial

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  1. lisa hartman

    Outstanding word Candi. Our God is sooooo good! Thank you for listening WELL ❤️

  2. Christina Stroh

    I love this! My word from God for 2022 has been Exodus. 🙏 This was beautifully written and very powerful ❤

  3. umer23idell


    Good luck 🙂


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