New Era Begins

by | Oct 21, 2020 | Prophetic Word | 0 comments

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New Era Begins


A New Era Begins

10/21/2020 – In this dream, I represent a new era beginning.

I was with my sister Lynn and my mom. We were in a large city. We entered a round restaurant located at the top of a tall building. I knew the restaurant was a type of Church.

The restaurant/church had the ocean on one side and a busy street on the other. A lot was going on. Inside the restaurant were tables and chairs, but no food was served.

The host was a very OLD MAN. I noticed that everyone in the restaurant was elderly, including my 91-year-old mother in hospice care because she was very old and in her last days. PSALM 91

We were about to take our seats, and I paused because I heard the Lord say, “Do not sit inside; take a seat outside.” The old man behind the counter took my phone in exchange for an outside table. We had to leave mom inside because her wheelchair couldn’t pass through the door.

All the outdoor tables were taken, but Lynn found us a seat on the edge of the building’s deck. We sat with our legs dangling over the ledge, like watchmen on the walls and Seers looking over the city.

New Era BeginsThe view of the water reminded me of a massive, deep, round lake named CRATER LAKE, located in KINGS CANYON. We were uncomfortable and somewhat afraid of the water.

Next, there was an EXPLOSION! A small plane crashed into the circular restaurant and killed everyone inside! This reminded me of the twin towers on 9/11. And the promise of Psalm 91. All of the older people died. We were kind of sad but knew they weren’t suffering anymore. It felt good and right.

Then, another event or thing happened. I can’t remember what it was, but it caused us to back away from the edge.

Lynn and I escaped falling into the vast water. It was water so deep that we would not have been able to get out of it! New Era Begins

I saw large tree branches falling into the water.


I knew that God had saved my life a second time and that those in accordance with God’s plan of reformation would not be cut off.

Lynn and I were trying to get home, but somehow my car keys were lost in the event.

I found an electrician and asked him to help us with the power. Somehow there was a LAPTOP involved in this event that recovered information. I found the phone number of a prophet, and I woke up and knew that God had saved my life twice! First through salvation and now as a new era begins.

Scripture References

Psalm 91 teaches us about God’s protection amid danger. He is a refuge and a fortress when we are afraid.

Ephesians 4:22 says to put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you PUT ON THE NEW MAN which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

2 Cor. 5:17  If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!

John 15:2  He cuts off every branch in Me that bears NO FRUIT, and every branch that does bear fruit, He PRUNES to make it even more fruitful.


The revelation of this dream is incredible, and there’s a lot to unpack, so let’s get to it! 

As a New Era Begins for the Church, multiple generations will come together. The old Church ways are dying, and she is in her later days yet provided with care and support by God.

The round restaurant (Church) is going in circles and has a lot going on. They provide places to sit and serve the people but no food (Word) to eat.

In this new era, God requires that we break the connection (phone) with the old order and take our positions outside the old church systems and what they are doing; then, we will see clearly in the spirit.

.We are to take our positions as watchmen on the walls overseeing the city and the Kings canyon.

This next move of God will feel somewhat scary and out of control but do not fear the power of the Spirit. This release of the spirit will empower us to enforce kingdom rule and the will of God on earth.

The old church ways will be disabled (wheelchair) because the church can not move without the power of God.

This is a severe situation (911) requiring immediate action. An explosion of incoming, small, and unrecognized ministries (plane) will wipe out the old church systems.

There will be a future event. Move away from what is not of God to escape falling into the trap of false teaching that will come to deceive the Christian world.

God’s judgments will remove big names and well-known Christian leaders from mega-churches. (tree branches cut off)

God will give another chance, not wanting any to be cut off. Those who will align with God’s reformation of the Church and an emerging new era will not be severed.

The old keys will be done away with. Our efforts and abilities will not be able to start ministries in the future.

A laptop provides information for the people of God to move forward. With God’s power, a time of recovery and restoration will enable the Ekklesia to fulfill God’s purposes.

Through Christ, we were saved from the curse of death. Another saving is coming, whereby He will save our very lives.

One of the wonders of prophecy is the rich layers of meaning. Let’s dig a little deeper.

What God has revealed through the layers of this word is FASCINATING!

A revelation of Kings Canyon and Crater Lake:

CRATER LAKE is the deepest lake in America. (Deep state)

A collapsed volcano formed it. It is deeper than New York City’s One World Trade Center. (911) Bottoming out at 1,943 feet! Luke 19:43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you, encircle you, and hem you in on every side.


Sorcery is at the center of all that is going wrong. It sits at the top of a cinder cone volcano inside the lake. It was named for its resemblance to a sorcerer’s hat. Sorcery sits atop Satan‘s fallen kingdom. (Volcano) and has presently placed itself in the center of all things.

CASTLES: Rising above the canyon and over the water are pumice castles created by erosion. A symbol that the Kingdom of God is rising despite the gradual destruction of our nation!

PHANTOM SHIP ISLAND is an ancient rock formation resembling a large, abandoned sea vessel. – Immediately, I’m reminded of the giant whale dream where God came up under the ship and knocked everyone into the water of the Holy Spirit.

Native Americans consider Crater Lake a spiritual place, providing great strength and wisdom.


THE OLD MAN: A 30-foot-tall floating tree stump in the lake stands hemlock. It’s called the “the OLD MAN” of the Lake! – (The old man in the restaurant – Incredible!)

Number 30 means “When the kingdom of God is beginning to TRANSFORM the EARTH!

The 30-foot tree “stump.”- was CUT DOWN, but not destroyed! (the branch and old man)

King Nebuchadnezzar was cut down but not destroyed! His stump remained until he humbled himself and REPENTED. After that, God RESTORED him. It is never too late to turn back to God wholeheartedly!

The old man’s stump has been in the lake since 1896.

I was led to search the significant historical events of 1896, and look what I found! This is very encouraging.

The Jameson Raid of 1896. The botched RAID against the REPUBLIC! (Republic is a Commonwealth system voted on by the people)

The raid was intended to trigger an UPRISING but FAILED to do so. The workers were called the Johannesburg conspirators. (Christians/Patriots)

They were expected to recruit an army and prepare for an INSURRECTION (rebellion/ revolt) against an established government. (News, BLM & Antifa)

The RAID was INEFFECTIVE, and no uprising took place. The results included EMBARRASSMENT and STRENGTHENED the REPUBLIC, and it’s GOLD! (glory & money)

This metaphoric dream depicts God’s present dealing/discipline with the unrepentant and rebellious church and its leaders. God cuts and prunes, but He also Saves! It is never too late to turn back to God with your whole heart!…No matter what you have done; He is waiting with OPEN ARMS.

Update; 10/5/2022

Since recording this word from the Lord on 10/21/2020, some details have come to pass.

The laptop with information; I can only assume God is referring to Hunter Biden’s laptop, where data is yet to be recovered and will lead to a time of recovery.

There was and continues to be plotting against the republic. They have tried to trigger an uprising or civil war – but have failed.

New Era Begins

Their raids on republican Americans, and attempts to render President Trump ineffective have made them an embarrassment. This attempt to weaken the republic has only made it stronger. Get ready for the Lord to make a BIG SPECTACLE of those who have conspired!

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. – Colossians 2:15


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New Era Begins
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