Fighting Principalities

by | May 16, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 0 comments

Home 9 Crossing Over; Step into the Promise 9 Fighting Principalities

Exodus 2020 prophetic word - metaphor, Fighting Principalities

“FIGHTING PRINCIPALITIES” 2020 Prophetic Word #16, May 4

BEFORE you READ the following; Remember EVERYTHING that God has PROMISED us throughout this journal! The enemy/pharaoh has plans…But GOD HAS a COUNTER ATTACK thats going to wipe him OUT. Yesterday, Tiffany said, “Get ready to FIGHT PRINCIPALITIES!”… To clarify, this means to start fasting, interceding and making declarations! It is the LORD and His ANGELIC ARMY that actually fight the WAR.

And then THIS! In TODAYS REAL NEWS, “GIANT, ASIAN, MURDER HORNETS,” have been spotted in WASHINGTON . Seriously?! Hornets are similar to bees. The name of this species is very interesting, especially in light of the DETAILS of the BIOLOGICAL ASSULT that just happened to America! Let’s go see what we can LEARN from this PROPHETIC METAPHOR.

Okay, Wow, I am STARTLED by my RESEARCH! I don’t even want to write about it. But, I feel it needs to be revealed. Sticking your head in the sand, is like cutting off your own head, and it won’t make this go away! KNOWLEDGE allows for strategy from the Most High to manifest. God is WAKING US UP to the TRUTH of the deepest DARKEST MOTIVES of the ENEMY. As we go on, remember that this is JUST a prophetic METAPHOR…

The GIANT hornets are the LARGEST species in the world, sometimes growing over two inches long.The hornets six-millimeter-LONG STINGER (sword) inflicts excruciating pain. These hornets are rarely interested in people. They attack colonies or BEE HIVES! (the church) The murder hornets enter a bee hive, DECAPITATE the bees (REMOVE all Christian INFLUENCE) and fly away with the thoraxes or NECK (place of STRENGTH) to feed their young.

Remember the TIGER (pedophile) DREAM? When I killed the 3 tigers, (pedophiles) I had SHOT them in the NECK… Meaning, that Jesus is about to take down human traffickers through our intercession! The tiger neck and the bee neck have something in common. But what? Hmmm. The shocking REALITY is that in many parts of the WORLD, Christians are being PERSECUTED by satan’s army. Like the Murder Hornet, These TERRORISTS use intimidation, fear and swords. They behead Christians and civilians. (civi-LIONS watched over by God!) Horrifying but TRUE. We must pray for the persecuted church!

There are areas of OUR government, (underground mafia/deep state) that have SINISTER PLANS for Christians and civilians. We must WAKE UP and pray to DISMANTLE these things and MOVE into areas of PREDESTINED ACTION. Our enemies (satan/Pharoh) may have evil intentions, BUT GOD has HIS OWN PLANS…Children of God, do not fear! GOD has PLANS to TRUMP the ENEMY!


For Goodness Sakes! IT’S JUST A BUG!!! (FLU)

SIGHTINGS (the news) of the “GIANT asian murder hornet” have PROMOTED FEAR that the vicious insect could devastate the BEE POPULATIONS (Christians and churches) in the US.

Prophetically speaking; The demonic realm APPEARS stronger than it is, because we are listening to the VOICE of MAN rather than the VOICE of GOD. We CHOOSE to SEE (the news) and be INTIMIDATED by DECEPTION and LIES that promote fear. 

BUT DO NOT FEAR! We are actually experiencing a “BIBLICAL EXODUS!” – God is on a RESQUE MISSION that’s going to blow our minds! In Exodus, the plagues were NOT for God’s PEOPLE. The plagues were SENT to God’s ENEMIES, (Egyptians/SLAVE OWNERS) NOW is the time to be SURE that you are not an ENEMY of God, but rather a passionate BRIDE who’s heart is a blaze with passion for God!

On this same day, (May 5) Tiffany received some alarming downloads as well. She heard the Lord say, “PRAY that the army of trackers will be DISMANTLED’. She kept hearing the words, “TRACKER JACKERS”. In the book, The HUNGER GAMES, genetically engineered wasps, created in the Capitol, are coded to attack anyone (civilians) who disturbs their nest, target them, and follow them back to their nest. My God! you just can’t make this stuff up! God didn’t tell me this, but I wonder how much of what we see in the movies is in actuality happening in real life.


THIS metaphoric picture! BEE KEEPERS, (the powers that bee) wear MASKS and GLOVES (fear) while they GATHER BEES and PUT THEM in A BOX! (house- stay home orders and TV) I’m totally blown away at how creatively and metaphorically, God has been speaking to us! Try as they may, We HAVE but ONE BEE KEEPER and His name is JESUS. He wears a white robe and His face and hands are like burnished bronze. Golden honey drips from His fingers and on to our heads like glory from heaven.

John 10:28-30, TPT- I give to them the gift of eternal life and they will never be lost and no one has the power to snatch them out of my hands. My Father, who has given them to me as his gift, is the mightiest of all, and no one has the power to snatch them from my Father’s care. The Father and I are one.”

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Read the next post in this series –

“MELT DOWN” 2020 Prophetic Word #17, May 6


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