FIRE & ICE —The Fire of God is Falling – Prophetic Vision of Revival and awakening

by | Jun 23, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise, Prophetic Word | 1 comment

Home 9 Crossing Over; Step into the Promise 9 FIRE & ICE —The Fire of God is Falling – Prophetic Vision of Revival and awakening

Fire and ice prophetic
“FIRE & ICE” The Fire of God is Falling—Prophetic Vision of revival and awakening.

 Word #25, 6/23/2020

While worshipping God, I had a vision of Jesus bowling with fire. He rolled giant fireballs down the city streets. I knew they represented Revival–fire. The circles of fire swept over large crowds pulling people into the rolling blaze. As the fireballs barreled down the road, they became burning houses, and inside the flames, I saw arms, legs, and joyful faces–People laughing, leaping from one fireball to another in a powerful awakening. Then, I heard God say, “COUNT THE PINS.” At the end of the road stood ten bowling pins. I looked to the sidewalk and saw three frozen sculptures: 1. A mailman with a mailbag over his shoulder 2. A woman holding a microphone 3. A paperboy gripping a newspaper.Fire & Ice: The Fire of God is Falling—A Prophetic Vision


A move of holy fire is coming, accompanied by great joy! This revival will unite believers, making Jesus the central focus. His power will manifest in the streets, bringing healing as we stretch out our hands. Though darkness looms, do not fear—this is not the end. Jesus is coming in glory, bringing revival fire to the cities.

The Ten Bowling Pins

The number ten symbolizes God’s perfect order, creation, and harmony. Yet, in the natural world, we witness disorder, destruction, and chaos. Be encouraged: the fire of God will swiftly remove tyrannical rulers and replace them with moral leaders who uphold righteousness and the law. Like the 10 kings in Revelation 17:12-13, who will arise and give their power and authority to the beast; the ten kingpins ruling the streets are under Satan’s influence. They have set themselves up to oppose God. Bowling is a targeted game, and God will STRIKE The Kingpins, rolling out his fire to remove them from power and positions. God is not playing games in the way humans play games–His power play will hit the streets. We can jump in or get out of His way. His fire will consume or refine.

The Three Frozen Sculptures

Fire & Ice: The Fire of God is Falling—A Prophetic VisionThe three frozen figures on the sidewalk represent movements opposing God:

1. The Mailman with the Bag → Election Fraud

• The mailbag represents mail-in ballots and the corruption tied to them. • The shoulder symbolizes strength—the enemy gained power through what was inside the bag. • God will put a freeze on the injustice that occurred in the election.

2. The Woman with the Microphone → The Jezebel Spirit

• This woman represents an influencer—a seductive voice spreading confusion and manipulation. • God will silence her voice, making it grow cold.

3. The Paperboy with the Newspaper → False News & Propaganda

• The news industry has spread deception and false narratives. • People will awaken to the truth and burn the lies and propaganda like trash.

Fire & Ice from Heaven

Fire and Ice prophetic visionIn the natural, darkness, fear, stress, and anxiety seem overwhelming. But we must see with spiritual eyes—things are not as they appear! God has a plan for His people. As fire and ice roll out from heaven, lying, cheating, and manipulation will be dealt with severely. Let us pray that God quickly puts a freeze on these ungodly things. Ask for eyes to see so you can partner with this powerful move of God.


Exodus 9:24 – So there was an ice storm with fire running through it, coming down with great force, such as never was in all the land of Egypt from the time when it became a nation. Zechariah 13:9 – This third I will bring through the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are My people,’ and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God.’ ” Life in the Spirit ministry is made possible through kind support. Your gift funds the free spiritual SPA, counseling scholarships, and expenses. Click ⬇donate

1 Comment

  1. Carol Breon

    Waiting for the great revival to sweep in the ripe harvest. Praying for the workers to be full of strength through the Joy of the Lord. Holy Spirit stir the hearts of the people toward repentance. Prepare your Bride Lord. Consume us with your purifying fire. Bring down the Strongholds that your work will be accomplished in those who seek you. Keep our hearts hungry for the word of God to cleanse our minds from the pollution of the world. We long for your return Jesus. Worthy of our worship, mighty you are to accomplish all we hope for to the Glory of your Kingdom. Amen.


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