Hickory Dickory Doc

by | Apr 30, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 0 comments

exodus 2020 prophetic word -metaphor, Hickory Dickory dock

“HICKORY DICKORY DOCK!” 2020 Prophetic Word #13, April 30


While praying with my sister, I heard the words, “HICKORY DICKORY DOCK.” What a random thing for God to say to me… it must be important. Oh, this is getting exciting! Like two giggly girls, Lynn and I FOLLOWED the CLUES. 

The lyrics. – A MOUSE… Hickory dickory dock. The MOUSE went up the CLOCK. The clock struck ONE. The MOUSE WENT DOWN, Hickory dickory dock. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. A SNAKE… Hickory dickory dock. The SNAKE went up the clock. The clock struck TWO. The SNAKE WENT DOWN. Hickory dickory dock. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. A SQUIRREL Hickory dickory dock. The SQUIRREL went up the clock. The clock struck three. The SQUIRREL WENT DOWN, Hickory dickory dock. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. A CAT… Hickory dickory dock. The cat went up the clock The clock struck FOUR. The CAT WENT DOWN Hickory dickory dock. TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK TICK TOCK… Interesting… did you catch that? A mouse, A squirrel, cat, but of the snake it says The snake. ( Lot’s of demons, only one satan.)


This is AMAZING! Remember the rat dream? My dream had 3 critters. (April 11, prophetic word #4) There was a rat (mouse) a kitten (cat) and a Squirrel. What blows me away, is that 3 of the 4 “critters” in this NURSERY rime, were present in my rat dream! (see #4) and 3 of these EVILS are GOING DOWN… rather quickly, I suspect!

Oh yes, TIME IS UP for the BAD GUYS! …. W.H.O. are the bad guys? Let’s look at the four that God is highlighting to me today: Ground SQUIRRELS are rodents that live in burrow or TUNNEL SYSTEMS. (human traffic/sex trade?) CATS are distant relatives of the family Felidae, which includes lions TIGERS (tyrants/pedophiles?) and bobcats. RATS are rodents that can carry PATHOGENS that can transmit BACTERIA and SPREAD DISEASE. (Covid?) and Mice are similar rodents) By the way, I just learned the vaccines are made with cells from MOUSE brains and aborted babies. It’s hard to believe, but do your research, horrific, but true.

God has brought to light ALL of these CONCEPTS in this Exodus journal. Except for snakes. SNAKES are COLD BLOODED REPTILES, – meat eaters. Snakes FLICK their DIVIDED TOUNGS while hunting. (words/division) God has not said anything to me about snakes….Perhaps He will later.


[/caption]The HICKORY DICKORY DOCK RIME was PUBLISHED in LONDON, in 1744. Knowing that God is in every DETAIL, I decided to google the words “London 1744.” What came up on my Google search was a map of a STREET ADDRESS in Los Angeles. Incredibly, the design of the street goes full circle back to the beginning! (prophetic word #2) It is the only street in the area, that is shaped like that.

In addition, the HOLLYWOOD FWY is in this image too. It brings to mind, the word God gave me about MOVIE STARS FALLING (see prophetic word #2 ) God is confirming things, in incredibly creative ways.

Hickory dickory doc prophetic word

Mount Sinai. Egypt.[/caption]

The FULL CIRCLE CONCEPT: The Israelites crossed the RED SEA on their way to the land of PROMISE, but on the other side of slavery, they just couldn’t get GOD’S WAYS right. So God made them WALK AROUND the Sinai Peninsula, (walk in circles) rather than go directly to the promised land. After walking the same 200 miles, for 40 years, most of the OLD GENERATION (those stuck in old mind sets of slavery and punishment) died off, and the “FREED” sons and daughters RECEIVED the promise. Beloved; We don’t have to keep REPEATING this MISTAKE! Let us not die off and miss out on this PRESENT MOVE of GOD, because of being STUCK in what WAS!

From Passover to Pentecost, is 40 days! The first PENTECOST was the INFILLING of Holy Spirit and the LAUNCH of the CHURCH… Along the journey, just like the Israelites, WE, the church, went our own way and began worshiping idols. We still HAVEN’T GOT it RIGHT! But God is BRINGING US AROUND … full circle, back to the BEGINNING… Pentecost arrives on May 31, 2020. This marks the beginning of a WORLD WIDE church RESET.

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I am reading the book of ACTS and embracing HEAVEN’S BLUEPRINTS. God is going to restore a TRUE ACTS church. We are going back, to CHRISTS’ ORIGINAL DESIGN – for HIS beloved church. I am going to FOLLOW in the steps of JESUS, no matter what it looks like. I have LAID IT ALL DOWN, and I am holding everything loosely. I don’t know what this new ERA in Christ, is going to look like…But one thing is SURE – IT WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!

Read the next post in this series –

“RED SEA RISING” 2020 Prophetic Word #14, April 30


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