I visited a friend today. Her home was beautiful and clean. The fresh ocean breeze was blowing through the windows and sunlight splashed on the floor.
Her dog was dragging a bone around the house. An army of ants had picked up the sent, and were marching through the front door in the form of a wide line.
We observed “scouts” – random ants looking for either rotten food, or another way to get into the house.
I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit as he was beginning to show me a parable. Satan’s army uses the same strategy that ants use, to lay hold of our house.
Th lovely, clean house represents our body, a beautiful new creation. Clean and washed by the blood of the lamb. Full of the life and light of Christ. Scented with the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit.
1 Cor. 6:11
That is, until, we allow something dead to come in.
Sin is like an open door. Sin opens the door to death. Demons feed on dead things – like dead bones. James 1:15. satan is called beelzebub, which means lord of the flies. He and his hosts are attracted to decay. An army of demons roam the earth. Like ants, they work in ranks. The leader, the queen, orders the assignment. The rest of them look for ways to carry out the assignment.
1 Peter 5:8, Matthew 12:28-29
The battlefield of your mind, is in our soul. Our soul is made up of our mind, will and emotions.
Romans 12:2
The army cannot come in to our house to torment us, unless there is an open door. The more dead bones or sin we have laying around the house, the more access the enemy has to us. In contrast, The more sanctified the environment, the less ability they have to invade. Luke 11:25
There is always the possibility of spiritual warfare. This is represented by the ants outside in the yard, trying to find a way to get in to the house.
God has given us the authority, and ability to crush demons under our feet.
Luke 10:19, 1 John 4:4.
We don’t always recognize our opponent. Sometimes we will allow ants, (unclean spirits) to live in our home. These bugs can slip through a crack. As we become more and more comfortable and connected with them, they can become so familiar, that we hardly notice it at all.
We tend to believe their lies. Lies like, this is a harmless thing, it’s because of the way I am, this is just my personality, it’s not my fault, or it’s beyond my ability to change.
1 Chronicles 10:13
These little ants have names. Names like, apathy, fear, worry, blame, lack, guilt, un-forgiveness, unworthiness, depression or anger. The truth is, this is not who you are and that “bug” doesn’t have to be a part of your life.
When the army of ants, comes through a house, they know the name and purpose of that scouting ant. They are familiar friends with it. The scout knows the layout of your house. It knows all the weak and vulnerable places within you.
It shares that information with the army, and they all work together in the battlefield of your mind, will and emotions. They have one purpose: to steal, kill and destroy. John 10:10
What can we do about pest infestation?
1. Don’t give them anything to eat!
Starve them out.
2. Close every open door or window of sin. This includes your sin, the sins of others and generational sins. Be sure to walk in repentance and forgiveness. The enemy only eats dead things.-(sin.) Remember Judas? Judas Iscariot had an open door of greed and the love of money, and satan came in to him through that door. Judas sold out Jesus for a few pieces of silver. He hid his weakness and sin from his friends. John 13:27)
3. Be honest with yourself and others. Don’t have secrets or keep things hidden. Confess to a friend, receive prayer, repent and close the doors of sin. This is how to win the war in the battlefield of your mind. James 5:16
4. Ask Jesus, regularly about your thoughts. Ask him if their are any lies you are believing. Wait and listen for him to answer. Take captive every ungodly thought. If you don’t take your thoughts captive, you thoughts will will hold you prisoner.
5. Read, learn and know God’s word and renew your mind with it’s truth. Romans 12:2
“Soul Soaking-Sozo for the Soul” is an in depth tool to help you identify what doors are open in your life and show you how to close them.
This CD will empower you to minimize the ability of the enemy to gain access to you through areas of vulnerability. It will teach you how to win the war in the battlefield of your mind.
Lynn Watts, Oct 12, 2015
Another great blog!! I look for Candi’s blog posts, and I am excited when there is a new one up. I always know it will be rich!!!!
I use the Sozo CD and it is amazing!
Troy Sells, October 22, 2015
Good word Candi.
Cheryl April 11, 2016
Wow! It is so amazing to read this right now. Last night my daughter came into my room crying that she had a nightmare about an evil monster trying to hurt her and I looked at her arm she had a single baby ant on her arm. I squished the ant and then we went to her room and prayed together, we prayed for our sins to be forgiven and for peace and that any evil spirit trying to come in would not even be able to slip through a Crack because we belong to Jesus. We prayed in Jesus name that all doors of sin be closed and that Satan would have no power here! She fell asleep right after and said she had good dreams the rest of the night.
Than this morning I read your post about the ants! Wow it’s amazing how God works and confirms things!