Just One Angel

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Home 9 Prophetic Word 9 Just One Angel

Just One Angel

“Just One Angel”


December 25th, 2020

I had a prophetic dream. It was Christmas morning when Jesus was born. I was cleaning out the water in our fish tank. I was trying to see what was going on in the water because it looked different.

We have one large angel fish in our tank. I was surprised to see that our angel fish, Samantha, had given birth to many tiny angel fish. Just One Angel

I looked again and saw several other kinds of baby fish too. I was amazed by how many babies were in the tank! I also saw that my hands were full of tiny sand dollars.

Somehow, the tank spilled over, and Samantha was on the floor. I was frantically trying to get her back into the newly cleaned, freshwater tank.

Next, I told the fish, “Be quick! She only has 3 seconds to get back into the water, because time is short!” I managed to scoop Samantha back into the tank, along with many of the little ones. However, I think we lost a few of the fish.

I saw a white pitcher that was buried at the bottom under the rocks. I uncovered the pitcher and pulled it out of the tank. It left behind a large dark hole in the rocks. After that, the fish were swimming down into the crevice to hide. Just One Angel

At this point, I also noticed that there was cat poop in the litter boxes that I had forgotten to clean.

Next, I mistakenly picked up a cat and put it in the water thinking it was Samatha. The cat was covered in dust. I quickly attempted to get the cat out of the tank.


The spiritual atmosphere in the world has changed. There is cleansing and rebirthing coming into the church at large.

Samantha means “God has heard.” The saints have sought the Lord for a fresh outpouring of His spirit and God has heard our prayers. All over the world, many new believers will come into the church and be born again.

A financial blessing will be a part of this outpouring on the remnant because God will multiply the seed money in our hands. Just One Angel

The Church spit the Holy spirit out of her mouth and Christ’s ekklesia is frantically trying to get a fresh move of the Holy Spirit back into the church. 

The number 3 represents perfect completion. It was on the third day of creation, that the water rose up out of the earth. Also, on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead with resurrection life.

Those with clean hands and childlike hearts who have expanded their capacity to carry Him will be filled with new life in the spirit, while others will lose sight of being carriers of God’s Spirit. Overcome with fear they will attempt to hide in God but instead find themselves lost and caught up in the cares of the world.

Predators will be mistaken for spirit-filled leaders but can be recognized by their unrepentant hearts, worldy focus, and independent spirits. Just One Angel

Exhortation Call to action

There is an urgency to this word given that we only have a short time to ready ourselves.

The Holy Spirit will come into churches where the water is clean. We must purify and prepare our containers and welcome the move of the Spirit… or we will miss it.


2 Corinthians 7:1 – Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.

Acts 2:17 – “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

December 26th, 2020

“Just One Angel”

Just one angel 2The following morning, I woke up hearing; “All it takes is one angel to flip this country while you’re sleeping.“

I immediately connected it to my giant angel fish dream, remembering that the meaning of Samantha is “God has heard.” God has heard the prayers of the saints and has sent his arc angel, Gabriel. Something big will happen suddenly.

I went back to sleep and woke up to Isaiah 38. A little while later, at the very moment that I was texting this dream to Catherine, she texted me; “Got up at 5 am, just thanking the Lord, and as I’m sitting quietly the Lord whispers, Isaiah 38.” Immediately I opened my Bible to read what the Lord had to say.” In this chapter, Hezekiah is sick and dying (like my fish Samantha!).

The word of the Lord is given to him through Isaiah the prophet; Isaiah 38- “Set your house in order, for you shall die, you shall not recover.” Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord,  and said, “Please, O Lord, remember how I have walked before you in faithfulness and with a whole heart, and have done what is good in your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.

The Lord “hears” him and extends his life by 15 years.

Just one angel 3Isaiah 38: 5-8 – Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father: I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Behold, I will add fifteen years to your life. I will deliver you and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria, and will defend this city.“‘This shall be the sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do this thing that he has promised: Behold, I will make the shadow cast by the declining sun in the dial of Ahaz, turn back ten steps.’ So the sun turned back on the dial the ten steps by which it had declined.” 


The number 10 means perfect order; for God to reveal His plan and to set things in order according to that plan.

The (imminent or impending) fall of our country has been averted by the prayers and repentance of God’s people.

God has heard and he has seen and He will defend and deliver us and show mercy on America by giving us more time. Though the enemy has stolen much from God’s people and the Lord is turning back the clock.

Like Hezekiah, the inner house of our soul must be put in order, so that we can reign with Jesus and carry His spirit to the incoming harvest of souls.

I believe there will be a re-birthing and a great outpouring of the spirit of God, in America! 

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