Meet the Author

Meet The Author

Hi, my name is Candi Christman. I belong to Heritage Christian Fellowship. I am honored to serve as a deacon, intercessor, overseer of the Heritage Prayer and Healing Center, and a community group leader.



I have been writing various Christian guided meditations for nearly 30 years now. This type of expression began to evolve by combining music, sound and narrative stories.



Through my writing, I have discovered my deepest calling. To create an environment of rest in the presence of God where people will come to know Jesus in a deeper & more intimate way. To my delight, thousands of people are using my CD’s for that purpose.



Healing Prayer4

Releasing the Kingdom. Sukkot 2007

2005: I joined the Healing Rooms at a Vineyard church. I was trained and mentored in healing prayer by Deborah Daroni, Pastor of Prayer Hawaii. During this time our soaking ministry was born. I served with Deborah for 5 years as partner and intercessor for White Diamond Ministries.



2011: Deborah was called to ministry in Hawaii, and we multiplied. I changed the name of the ministry in California to C-Christ Ministries. Meaning “See Christ with your spiritual eyes open.” It also represents my name.



2012: I started the soaking with Christian guided meditation ministry at Heritage Christian Fellowship, San Clemente, CA. This loving, friendly, spirit filled place is my church home.



August, 2015: I was invited to serve as a deacon and expand my soaking ministry. We expanded the ministry into a Prayer and Healing Center. It is my desire to see many healed and come to the Lord through this anointed Prayer and Healing Center.

God has been very good to me. Meet the author 3



I have been blessed with 3 amazing daughters.   meet the author 4




They make me laugh and fill my heart with love.

Meet the Author



My kind husband has so much faith in God and he never stops believing in me.





My spiritual gifts are healing, encouragement, exhortation and prophetic insight. I usually see the rhema, (spoken) word of God revealed to me through a vision. Sometimes a prophetic picture unfolds, similar to watching a movie. Christians with this kind of prophetic ability are called seers. The Bible refers to seers (chozeh) as prophets that see visions. 1 Samuel, Chronicles.



I learned about seers after a minister had a prophetic vision of me. She saw that I was covered in a blanket of eyes that looked like peacock feathers. She told me that I had a prophetic seer anointing that God uses to edify and build people up. That prophetic word resonated within me. Prophetic insightI remembered when God had told me that I was like a peacock.  I began to understand why. God showed me that peacock feathers symbolize spiritual eyes that reflect the beauty and wonder of God. Just like I do through my writings.



Jesus was wooing me into a deeper place with Him. He was giving me greater revelation of His glory and inspiring me to record these intimate experiences on paper. The stories come to me by just being still in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

God is the writer, I am the pen. A peacock feather pen. meet the author 3


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