Melt Down

by | May 6, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 0 comments

Exodus 2020 prophetic word - metaphor, Melt Down

“MELT DOWN” 2020 Prophetic Word #17, May 6

Day 3 of the shaking. I didn’t have a prophetic dream last night, so I was hoping for a break today. That whole wasp/bee thing has me feeling UNEASY, and my body is still doing that weird trembling thing. AND THEN…A news announcement is delivered from Health Director Dr, Robert Leven …. In essence, the GOVERNMENT has launched their “ARMY of tracker jackers”. Seriously God?!, Is this really happening?

They have thousands of “CONTACT INVESTIGATORS” with extensive training to “DEAL” with US if we DON”T COMPLY. They are coming to our homes, dressed like cops to request with pressure, Covid BLOOD tests. The needle is STINGER! If you test positive, the test gives them the right to investigate all of your “contacts” and if they deem necessary, REMOVE YOU FROM YOUR HOME. Thats correct… THEY CAN SEPARATE YOU FROM YOUR FAMILY! In addition, you must have a PRIVATE BATH FOR EACH PERSON in the home! (targeting low income?) I don’t know but I feel like I’m in a BAD MOVIE.

Exodus 2020 prophetic word - metaphor, Melt DownRemember the word “BRACE FOR IMPACT?” Well, I had an EPIC FAIL on BRACING MYSELF for this impact! LOL. Somehow I completely FORGET EVERY WORD that God has spoken through this Exodus journal. Fear came rushing though my mind and wiped out my memory. I just LOST IT… and I GOT STUNG!!! 

I hit the FLOOR WAILING, REPENTING and CRYING OUT TO GOD! I don’t remember ever doing that before … And there it is … THIS is the POINT! God is REQUIRING that the CHURCH truly REPENT.

We must be BROKEN ENOUGH to cast ourselves FACE DOWN on the GROUND in HUMILITY, SUBMISSION, and ADORATION. – Anything short of this will not suffice. Oh wow! Remember the (prophetic word #7, on radical change) where a red flowing material (from God) rushed in to the church and we were all knocked to the ground and weeping at the altar? It was as if the rug got pulled out from under us. Go back and read it because it ties in to this. 

THIS is the REQUIREMENT! Go back and study the book of Acts, where they walked away from EVERYTHING and LAY-ED DOWN their LIVES – even unto death! That is the Christian life! God is DONE with our Luke warm hearts, our APATHY for the ALMIGHTY GOD and the things He has commissioned us to do. Do not assume that HE won’t spit you out of His mouth. I’m feeling the FEAR of the Lord again.

The prophets say, that the SHAKING is FROM GOD! That EVERYTHING that CAN be SHAKEN WILL be SHAKEN. I wrote an article in 2016 about the shaking. It’s called, “What can be shaken will be shaken”. God is just getting started… more shaking to come! 

Read, What Can Be Shaken Will Be Shaken. 2016

Remember word #12, “TIME REWIND” Now that we have flattened the curve, and have the actual data, (6 deaths out of 100,000) the deep state players are increasing the restrictions. I see these extreme measures as TESTS to see how FAR they can PUSH US, before we FIGHT BACK. A push for MANDATORY VACCINES is coming. We MUST PUSH BACK against BIG Pharma! They are setting the stage for a Globalist takeover. The Globalist (deep state) agenda has ALWAYS been the PLAN, and it is in PLAIN SIGHT when we open our eyes to see it. Dear Lord, heal our blindness, open our eyes to SEE. Dr. Franker makes it so simple and clear. Watch this; Dr. Franker 


This next paragraph was written by my sister, Lynn. (see in comments) These metaphors are topics found throughout this prophetic journal. A metaphor on MASKS… by Lynn Watts: I Love this Exodus Prophetic Series!!!! … This is what He has been telling me about what MASKS represent SPIRITUALLY: DIVISION. Mask is a BARRIER between people, keeping people SEPARATED and ISOLATED. God wants unity and believers to REACH out to others and the LOST. COVERING UP YOUR IDENTITY. HIDING: Wearing a mask is a common expression for HIDING what is really GOING ON- not being yourself. Everyone looks the same – you do not stand out as an INDIVIDUAL. You are hiding behind a mask. Our IDENTITY is in Christ. Masks SILENCE YOUR VOICE: A mask COVERS your MOUTH and is harder to speak – God wants us to use our VOICES to praise Him and SHARE the GOSPEL… and to STAND UP for what is RIGHT and to FIGHT against EVIL. FEAR: Wearing a mask is a CONSTANT REMINDER of the DANGER of the virus out there. God has not given us a SPIRIT of FEAR. …..Above all, continue to reach out to others, sharing Christ. DON’T be AFRAID and Don’t HIDE your identity as a son or daughter of the King. – Masks by Lynn Watts.

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Do you need hope, healing and wholeness? Imagine connecting personally and interactively to God, in such a way that you can feel His abiding presence, and experience His great love for you. In a Spiritual Renewal session, you will be guided through a loving, interactive encounter with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. A session may include going on a prophetic journey, receiving prayer against the schemes of the enemy, or an impartation of supernatural peace and joy. You will be coached to discern the three voices—God’s voice, your voice, and the voice of the enemy. And you will be built up and reinforced by Biblical principles and kingdom mindsets. 

Read the next post in this series –
 “Seven Mountains” 2020 Prophetic Word – Metaphor #18, May 7



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