Pentecost and the Dragon

by | Jun 1, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 3 comments

Home 9 Crossing Over; Step into the Promise 9 Pentecost and the Dragon

Exodus 2020 prophetic word -metaphor, Pentecost and the Dragon

“PENTECOST and the DRAGON”, Prophetic Word #22, May 31

Last night the Lord led me to Luke 1:35 – “The angel replied, The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and He will be called the son of God.” In this passage of Scripture, the angel of the Lord announced to Mary that she would become supernaturally pregnant with The Messiah, Jesus. In a similar way, WE are pregnant with the SPIRIT of GOD. (Holy Spirit) We are CARRYING the HOPE of the world INSIDE of us. 

Let us be mindful as we move forward, tomorrow and beyond, that we are going in to war! Each day we must put on the FULL ARMOR of God. 1 Peter 5:8 – Be well balanced and always alert, because your enemy, the devil, roams around incessantly, like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour.

Today is HISTORICAL… Falcon 9 made its first commercial, flight. Rich and I watched with expectancy, as the ROCKET LAUNCHED. 5,4,3,2,1… an explosion of FIRE PROPELLED the VESSEL into space, – the final frontier.

Oh, this is so prophetic! We have made our hearts ready, in preparation for tonights Pentecost (baptism of power) We are like ready rockets; filled up, fueled, and empowered by the fire of the Holy Spirit. God is LAUNCHING us into UNLIMITED TERRITORY and untold adventure. We are forerunners and TRAILBLAZERS of GLORY, making a way through the wilderness, for the next generation to follow. We are aware, that as God’s LIGHT INCREASES  in the earth – so does the increase of darkness. 

Pentecost is the power that propels us into the triumphant days ahead! Simultaneously, and prophetically, a ROCKET called the DRAGON, and booster Falcon 9, has been launched into the atmosphere.

Let’s look up dragon in the Bible and see what we find… Dragon is referred to in Revelations 12:8-9 – Wow! 12 = Government of God. 8 = New beginning, Resurrection and Regeneration. 9 = (falcon 9) – judgement / perfect movement of God. Rev. 12:8- … the dragon crouched before the woman who was about to give birth—poised to devour the baby the moment it was born. 

Remember, that we are PREGNANT with the SPIRIT of God, and about to give birth to destiny and ministry. The enemy would love to thwart our missions before we ever lift off the ground. But, we shall overcome!

Revelation 12:9  –  So the great DRAGON was THROWN DOWN once and for all. He was the serpent, the ancient snake called the devil, and Satan, who DECEIVES the WHOLE EARTH. He was cast down into the earth and his angels along with him. Then I heard a TRIUMPHANT voice in heaven proclaiming: “Now salvation and power are set in place, and the kingdom reign of our God and the ruling authority of his Anointed One are established!

Church, it is time to ARISE and stand against the gates of Hell! Heaven is calling us to MOBILIZE and ADVANCE the KINGDOM of heaven on the earth! Satan is waging war against us, and we must use our prayer, voice, talents and authority to remove him from power in our nation! What we DO now, WILL DETERMINE the FUTURE of America!

The day of Pentecost (first fruits) is 50 days after Passover. In the Old Testament it was a time of joyful remembrance over Israels deliverance from Egypt and a celebration over the initial harvest feast. (prophecy of a billion soul harvest to happen in 2020)

In the New Testament, (Acts 2) Holy Spirit comes as a rushing wind, and baptizes 120 people in the UPPER ROOM with POWER and spiritual FIRE, empowering them to glorify God’s name to all the nations. While Passover LEADS SLAVES OUT of Egypt and the Tierney of evil leaders, Pentecost DELIVERS them from the SPIRITS of SLAVERY and POVERTY.

TODAY is Pentecost. We just finished hosting an incredible, 3 night event, of a “BOOM in the UPPER ROOM”, where we ministered to the Lord and waited for His power to come and fill us. Holy Spirit spoke to 6 of us about an impartation of lightning from heaven, coming on believers. Prophetic attributes of lightning are, bright light, sudden, fast, intensity and shock. I saw lighting come out of my fingers and God said when you step out in faith you will see this impartation of power manifest.

Matthew 24:27- The appearing of the SON of Man will BURST forth with the brightness of a LIGHTNING STRIKE that shines from one end of the sky to the other, illuminating the earth…‘The sun will be DARKENED and the moon give NO LIGHT. The STARS will FALL from the SKY and all the cosmic powers will be SKAKEN.’Then the SIGN announcing the Son of Man will appear in the SKY, and all the nations of the earth will mourn over him. And they will see the Son of Man appearing in the clouds of heaven, revealed with MIGHTY POWER, GREAT SPLENDOR, and GLORY. And he will send his MESSENGERS with the loud blast of the TRUMPET, (Trump/Pence?) and with a great VOICE (this is the year of the VOICE) they will gather his beloved chosen ones by the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other!” (Great Harvest of souls all over the earth?)

exodus 2020, prophetic word - metaphor, pentecost

Astoundingly, while we were in the Upper Room worshipping from an overflow of love, The opposite spirit is manifesting in the streets below!

Riots are taking place all over the United States. Violent people are hired to instigate crime and manipulate the pain and anger in hurting people. Now the enraged are hurting their neighbors with violent acts, burning down their businesses, and stealing from them.

This fire breathing, DRAGON SPIRIT is filling all who will partake of him. This is the spirit of Antichrist! He is in the world filling people with hatred toward their neighbors.

While Holy Spirit is releasing LOVE, peace and an all consuming spiritual FIRE, simultaneously satan is releasing HATE, chaos and devastating FIRE! This hunger for blood will never satisfy the pain in the hearts of the lost. Only the blood of a Savior can blot out the stains of inequity and the pain of sin.

More than ever the world needs Jesus! Oh how we need to turn back to God.

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From the series, EXODUS 2020. This is an unveiling of prophecy written in the language of metaphor.



  1. Cherisse Sayer


    • Yolanda Ketel

      I absolutely love all the dreams and phrophetic you are receiving. This was one of my favorite posts. Many are hurting and it is time to see God set them free through those who are pregnant with His Spirit!

  2. Tiffany

    This is such a powerful word, Candi! Yes and amen!


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