Embark on a captivating musical journey, intricately woven in the narrative style of a parable. This unique experience invites thoughtful reflection on the profound themes of the life, death, and triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ, offering a glimpse into the incomparable glory that awaits us in heaven.
(Physical CD)
Tricia Martin –
The soaking cds that Candi has created promote rest, peace and a new level of intimacy with The Lord. I am using them in my class on soaking and resting in The Lord. They also help those struggling with sleep issues and anxiety.
Penith –
I really enjoyed listening to this cd tape a lot, it is a nice cd tape to listen to. I really loved listening to this cd tape alot.
Kris Fander –
I felt stuck spiritually, longing to be with the Lord, but not knowing how to get there. It seemed like I just couldn’t settle my mind down, so I could feel the Lord’s presence. I found Him and it was truly a wonderful feeling.
Amazon customer –
Candi’s CDs on soaking have been truly a time for God to speak to me. Resting in prayer really means resting in prayer. Candi has the gift of speaking beautiful words of comfort, praise, trust to God’s plan for our lives. I always had trouble sleeping and now I listen to her soaking CDs and God gives me wonderful dreams and I am able to really slumber. I highly recommend them if you are having trouble hearing God because of the hustle and bustle of life. Stop and listen. You will be amazed at His peace and presence through these gifts of Candi.
Don J. –
WOW! When I relaxed and listend to “His Glorious Presence – Soaking in the Spirit” with Candi Christman, I could feel a sense of peace, love and relaxation come over me that I had never epxerienced before. The soothing voice, the relaxing music, and the wonderful sounds all came together to produce a most wonderful experience. I felt as if I had been lifted above this noisy and hectic world, and entered a special place away from it all. The mental images were stunningly vivid. The CD is absolutely extrardinary, combining all the elements to produce an flyer into another place that is so beautiful and warm. I so highly recommend Candi Christman’s CD to anyone who would like to escape from this hectic, noisy, day-to-day life and experience a different world where all is good and clean and refreshing to the mind, body and soul. This one is a must-have for the novice and expeienced alike. What a perfect blend to take you to that special place that we all need to go to re-energize ourselves. Thank you Candi!
Billy –
I was very impressed by Candi’s musical allegory. Her voice has a nice quality of it. Her voice blended in at exactly the right spots to get a realaxed feeling. I would reccomend this to anyone who is interested in Christian meditation and the Word of God.
By norma jo snodgrasson –
Awesome, I enjoyed it very much. great to medicate on scripture with. wonderful for worship and soaking. it is highly reccomended.
Kristi –
This Christian meditation is a beautiful visual of being with God.
Karen L. Fullerton CA –
This is a unique soaking CD. It is a combination of instrumental background music and Candi speaking to you.
This is filled with scriptures and will help you soak in the presence of God.