“Rescue Me”

by | Apr 18, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 0 comments

Exodus 2020 The Rescue

“RESCUE ME” 2020 Prophetic Word #9, April 18.

A sobering word from the Lord on modern-day slavery.

I am awakened at exactly 1:44 while dreaming about “Les Miserables.” 

I have yet to think about the movie since its release in 2012, and I am confident this dream is from the Lord.

Psalm 144 comes to mind. – There is only one strong, safe and secure place for me; it’s in God alone and I love Him!…vs 7, reach down from your heavens and RESCUE ME from this HELL, and deliver me from these DARK POWERS… vs. 9, My God I will SING you a brand new song!

During my dream about “Les Miserables,” I heard someone singing the song “I had a dream.” They repeatedly sang the phrase, “and the tiger wakes at night.” I researched the play this morning, and I write these words with a heavy heart and tear-filled eyes.

Rescue Me

The story of Les Miserables takes place during a PLAGUE of Cholera. Strangely, we are presently experiencing a plague called Covid.

There was a poor peasant named Valjean. After spending 19 (#19 means divine order/God’s judgment) years in prison for stealing a loaf of BREAD to FEED a starving family, Valjean, DESIRING REDEMPTION, and a group of YOUNG IDEALISTS attempts to OVERTHROW the GOVERNMENT in a street barricade. (I like this story already! LOL)

In French, Valjean means “convict.” In today’s prophetic revelation/metaphor, Jesus is our Valjean! A kind and compassionate man, falsely accused of being a criminal and unjustly punished, He ARISES to LEAD the WAY of RESCUE.

In the play, Fantine is a SINGLE MOM who, out of DESPERATION, becomes a prostitute. Valjean (Jesus, in my story) pities her and takes her to a HOSPITAL. (Like the story of Good Samaritan! – Luke 10:25-37) He learns that her daughter, Cozette, has been kept as a SERVANT (trafficked) and treated poorly by DEPRAVED CRIMINALS – that also EXTORT MONEY.

Valjean (Jesus) PROMISES to FIND Fantine’s daughter and PROTECT her. Valjean (Jesus) meets Cosette while she’s on an errand drawing water and OFFERS the PAYMENT to ADOPT her. – Oh! This is the story of the woman at THE WELL!” – John 1, 1-26. In this passage, Jesus offers LIVING WATER to a woman who had been married five times and now lives with her boyfriend.

Last night I was awakened by a voice in my dream. She was singing the paragraph about tigers from the song “I Had a Dream”. 

Lyrics from the song “I Had a Dream.”

“There was a time when men were KIND, and their voices were soft, and their WORDS inviting. There was a time when love was BLIND, and the world was a song, and the song was exciting. There was a time when it all went wrong… I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living. I dreamed that love would never die. I dreamed that God would be forgiving.

Then I was young and unafraid, and dreams were made and used and wasted. There was no RANSOM to be paid, no song unsung, no wine, untasted.

But the TIGERS COME AT NIGHT, with their VOICES SOFT AS THUNDER, as they TEAR YOUR HOPE APART and they turn your dream to SHAME.

He slept a summer by my side, he filled my days with endless wonder…He TOOK MY CHILDHOOD in his stride, but he was gone when autumn came! And still I dream he’ll come to me, that we will live the years together, But there are dreams that cannot be, and there are storms we cannot weather!

I had a dream my life would be So different from this HELL I’m LIVING, So different now from what it seemed…Now LIFE has KILLED the DREAM I dreamed…

These lyrics clearly describe a trafficked victim’s plea. Manipulation and perceived love and support often result in victims establishing a strong bond with their abuser.

Oh wow, I just noticed that I am drinking from a TIGER coffee CUP while writing about the tigers in the Les Miserables play! Here again, God is in the details.

I’ll end today’s prophetic word with a SONG of HOPE that Cosette sings in the play: Cosette means LITTLE ONE and VICTORIOUS PEOPLE. – The children will be saved!


“Castle on a Cloud” lyrics;

“There is a CASTLE on a CLOUD. I like to go there in my sleep. Aren’t any floors for me to sweep, not in my castle on a cloud. There is a LADY all in WHITE, (Holy Spirit/Mother heart of God) HOLDS me and SINGS a LULLABY. She’s nice to see and she’s soft to touch. (comforting)

She says Cosette, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. I know a place where NO ONE IS LOST. I know a place where NO ONE CRIES. Crying at all is not allowed – not in my castle on a cloud.”

Friends, this is a challenging and sobering word from the Lord. It is becoming clear to me who God’s Exodus rescue includes. He has seen and heard their cries for freedom. Like Valjean, Jesus intends to find, free, and protect the lost children. THIS is what is on the Father’s heart!

For those who are crying out “Jesus, rescue me!”, God is on the way! As I speak, a precious yield is being gathered for Jesus. We praise His beautiful name with great joy, faith, and gratitude!

Spiritual Renewal Sessions 

Have you been a victim of abuse? Do you need hope, healing, and wholeness? Consider a Spiritual Renewal session where you will be guided through a loving, interactive encounter with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. In His presence, you will be built up and reinforced by Biblical principles and kingdom mindsets.

To Bless This Ministry, Make a LOVE Offering Here! ❤️

Prophetic Update:12/21/22

An awakening to the human trafficking and child porn crisis in our nation has begun! Although the media downplays the truth, big companies like Wayfair and Valencia have been exposed. I have also heard these topics discussed on various media platforms. Sadly, it is much worse than I imagined.

On 7/11/2020 I went on the Wayfair site MYSELF and took screenshots before Wayfair removed trafficking ads from their catalog. One that is most telling is the images of the bookshelves. One of the books in the ad’s background is about China’s HARVESTING of HUMAN ORGANS. And they actually FRAMED the words “HAITIAN” in the frame prop. NOTHING is done by accident in a professional photo shoot.

Haiti has been a country of origin for both labor and sex trafficking. There are three serious forms of human trafficking in Haiti. First, the restavek phenomenon in which children are at high risk for both labor trafficking and sexual exploitation, child sex tourism, and child sex trafficking.

I found other ads that Wayfair HAS YET TO EXPLAIN, from what I could find. If these ads are not about selling kids, why not explain to the public what they are about.

Balenciaga brand blatantly revealed themselves last week.They are actively sexualizing children and the worship of BAAL.

The mainstream media has completely downplayed this disgusting ad!

Rescue Me







Balenciaga is owned by Kering, who has a line of sex toys styled as children. They are too profane to post an example!

We must speak out against these pedophiles and be the voice for the innocent!

2013 google report: 800,000 children go missing each year in the United States and are never heard from again. That’s 2,000 children per day. As of 2012 – 20.9 million victims worldwide. 1.5 million victims in the USA! It has surpassed the illegal sale of arms and drugs. 

That’s a great number of kids!  Where are the missing children? Why doesn’t our government do something or even talk about this crisis?! Isn’t this part of the job we hired them to do? Protect us at home and aboard? Perhaps there are much darker reasons for ignoring this crisis than I dare to suggest. Human trafficking is a BIG BUSINESS, and money is the root of ALL EVIL. 

Our government, under Biden, has sent ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS of our money to Ukraine in the last year!!! That kind of money could abolish child trafficking and pornography in our own country!- As well as protect our OWN borders!

The USA is ranked as one of the WORST countries globally for human trafficking. It is estimated that 199,000 incidents occur each year. California consistently has the highest human trafficking rates in the USA. Primarily for sex trafficking and labor. Trafficking is modern-day slavery.

Just the facts: An enslaved person’s life span is 3 to 7 years due to the horrifying abuse they endure. A pimp can make 150,000 to 200,000 per child – each year. It is a 32 billion-a-year industry – and on the RISE. 

Traffickers and their victims are crossing over the borders right now in DROVES. And our rogue government is doing nothing to stop it and virtually everything to encourage it. Did you know that just 9% of the federal budget goes toward child abduction? The government turns a blind eye to the policies that fuel sex trafficking. 

They have three areas of focus, none of which is to FIND and RESCUE the children or FUND those that do.

1. Projects; preventing through public awareness and education. 

2. Assisting by providing shelters and victim services.

3. Providing training for law enforcement and judges.

The word that comes to me is BAND-AIDS.Rescue me

 Bandaids cover the festering wound. Aiding to only what comes to the SURFACE. Band-aids are skin colored so they can camouflage the wound. But band-aids do nothing to kill the infection. They don’t go after the root cause. Jesus is going after the ROOT! Now and in the coming years, I expect to hear of extreme rescues and massive arrests. Jesus is rescuing children.

Read the next post in this series –
 “THE SURRENDER” 2020 Prophetic Word #10, April 20


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