Seven Mountains

by | May 7, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 0 comments

Exodus 2020 Prophetic Word - metaphor Seven mountains

“SEVEN MOUNTAINS” 2020 Prophetic Word #20, May 7

In my spirit I heard someone SINGING. The voice was singing this song: “I lean NOT on my OWN UNDERSTANDING, My life is in the hands of the maker of heaven, I GIVE IT ALL TO YOU GOD, TRUSTING that you’ll make something beautiful out of me. I will CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN WITH MY HANDS WIDE OPEN, I will climb this mountain with my hands wide open… There is NOTHING I HOLD ONTO… X 4.  All Glory To God, Forever. Amen!”

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us THROW OFF everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and LET US RUN with perseverance the RACE MARKED OUT FOR US! Children, God is permitting us to COME UP to the top of His HOLY MOUNTAIN and meet Him FACE to FACE. But, there is a REQUIREMENT: We can not bring anything with us. We must LEAVE EVERYTHING at the base of the mountain. (Leave everything behind) I saw people in a line, (alignment) dressed in white, (the saints/pure) carrying STAFFS in their hands. (authority/miracles) They made their way UP Mount SINAI to MEET the Lord.

Exodus 2020 prophetic word - metaphor, seven mountainsExodus 24:10 – and they SAW the GOD of Israel. There was under His feet as if it were a PAVEMENT of SAPPHIRE STONE, Like the very HEAVEN for CLEARNESS. At the peak of the ROCK, each one met the Lord face to face and God handed them a STONE TABLET, with their assignment on it. These assignments were in direct connection with which MOUNTAIN of INFLUENCE they were assigned to CLIMB and BRING CHANGE.

As I looked at the tablet in my hand it said, in caps, “WRITE.” I was then instructed by God, to hand deliver tablets, (this prophetic journal) to people. I then understood that the mountain of influence, I am to charge up is the mountain of MEDIA!

At this time, I’d like to encourage you to STOP reading. God IS GOING TO SPEAK TO YOU RIGHT NOW … Close your eyes, and imagine yourself at the top of the mountain, face-to-face with your Heavenly Father. Meditate on this encounter and WAIT to RECEIVE from HIM a Sapphire tablet. Once given, look at the stone, until you can read what God has written in the rock. There are SEVEN MOUNTAINS of INFLUENCE that, WHILE WE were SLEEPING, Satan has taken DOMINION over. The 7 mountains are: Global Society, Media, Government, Education, Economy, Religion, Family and Celebration/Arts. (Book – The 7 Mountain Prophecy)

Our assignment TODAY and in the coming years, is to TAKE BACK these MOUNTAINS for JESUS CHRIST! None are exempt from THIS assignment. We have been APATHETIC, for far too long! WE are the ARMY of the LORD and we must PULL DOWN these STRONGHOLDS! NOW is the time to pull up your boot straps, hit the ground, and TAKE DOMINION over the LAND, for our Savior and King, Jesus.


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Read the next post in this series –

“SURVIVOR” 2020 Prophetic Word #20, May 7


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