
by | Aug 28, 2023 | Prophetic Word | 0 comments

Home 9 Prophetic Word 9 Shockwave

Have you ever sensed the Lord urging you to share truth but held back because of the possible negative outcome? Today’s prophetic word addresses how to share truth without hurting others.

God has impressed upon my heart how important it is to speak out, but how do we speak the truth in love? It can be quite challenging, especially given the times and circumstances we are living in. And yet, we must overcome our reluctance and respond to the urgency of the hour! 

God has impressed upon my heart how important it is to speak out and not shrink back. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Be bold. Be fearless. Be the thunder that inspires change!”

Thunder originates from shockwaves.

A Marxist ideology was rolled out and embraced in our nation, shocking parts of the Christian church. This shock has unleashed a response of thundering voices who have broken free from political correctness and unrighteous constraints. Godly voices are speaking the truth that dismantles darkness and sets captives free!

Keep in mind that the way we share truth influences how it’s perceived and embraced. Love must be the driving force fueled by a sincere desire for the well-being of others.

Here’s a list of factors within the human heart that hinder the ability to speak the truth with love:

  1. A fear-driven desire to control.
  2. Anger stemming from a sense of injustice.
  3. Self-righteousness and pride.
  4. An urge to always be right.
  5. And a lingering offense or resentment due to past hurts and painful experiences.

After addressing our own heart and soul issues, we will be able to have deep, heart-to-heart conversations without injuring the relationships with those we love.

2 Tim 2:24-26, further instructs us on how to share truth without hurting others. “And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.”

With all these things in mind;

Be bold.

Be fearless.

Be the thunder that inspires change!

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