Signs in the Sky

by | Jun 10, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 0 comments

Prophetic Word, creative metaphors, Signs in the sky

“SIGNS IN THE SKY” Prophetic Word #23. June 7.

Today I am reminded of two visions. On passover, (April 8) I saw the spirit of death being PULLED BACK, and the SON of God BURSTING through the clouds. (Revelation 1:7. return of Christ) On pentecost, (May 31) I had a vision of lighting coming out of my fingertips. Five others, present that night, got words from Holy Spirit about lightning and being a conduit for God’s power. Since then, I have been anxiously waiting for something extraordinary!

God is speaking collectively to His people in such a powerful way right now. This is vital, as great deception from the bottomless pit, has been released upon the earth. Many saints are receiving prophetic words and dreams about LIGHTNING, DARKNESS, and GOD’S LIGHT bursting through. I was randomly watching Perry stone on Youtube yesterday, and he shared a “rapture vision” he had, about God pulling believers TO HIMSELF by the LIGHTNING that came from His FINGER TIPS. I could go on and on about the confirmations on the subject of lightning this week. prophetic word, creative metaphor, lightning

And THEN… I heard that on Thursday June 4th, a severe THUNDERSTORM charged through the D.C. area and a LIGHTNING STRIKE hit the WASHINGTON MONUMENT! Immediately, I knew this was a SIGN IN THE SKY and a MESSAGE to me, that God is about to STRIKE DOWN OUR ENEMIES! Only an ACT OF GOD can dismantle the level of evil rule in our country. Job 36:30 – He covers His hand with LIGHTNING and COMMANDS it to STRIKE the MARK.

This “PYRAMID (place of a Pharaohs burial) – Shaped piece of marble represents our GOVERNMENT. (The Egyptians, in my Exodus 2020 story) There is a great evil at the CORE of our government, (It is known as the Deep State or Deep Left). At its core is demon worship, collusion, corruption and human trafficking. MONEY and POWER ARE driving this EVIL FORCE. The globalist, one world religion and total GOVERNMENTAL POWER is their GOAL.

They have UNDERESTIMATED the ALMIGHTY GOD! Just like satan, in their ARROGANCE, they believe they can not loose. Which is why they are now clearly showing their hand, though the corona plan-demic, mandatory vaccine agenda, (making them billions while making you sick) the fake news reports (false prophet – Book of Revelation), the Antifa terrorist movement, (generated civil war in the streets), New York’s full term abortion law (sacrifice to Moloch) – to name just a few of the Deep state’s dark agendas.

prophetic word, creative metaphors, questionsIN the United States there is an estimated 850,000 surgically KILLED BABIES per year. And an estimated 460,000 CHILDREN reported MISSING EVERY YEAR! Why aren’t we asking the question… WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN?!!! Some kind of evil has BLINDED us!

17,500 people are TRAFFICKED into the united states ANNUALLY. An estimated 45.8 million SLAVES EXIST TODAY! (slaves of every color) California, Texas and Florida are the top 3 human trafficking states. Human trafficking is a 150 Billion a year industry and the Deep State traitors are up to their necks in it! Big Pharma profits 744 Billion per year for prescriptions, that list organ compromising warnings, whilst insurance companies refuse to compensate for safe, natural, treatments. When we question these ungodly things, they act like your crazy and call it a conspiracy! So I’m calling IT OUT… IT IS A CONSPIRACY!

These CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, GRIEVE the heart of the Father! And should distress our hearts and propel us into ACTION. But… instead the church has been ROCKED to SLEEP by the great serpent. So now, the Almighty God will SHAKE to AWAKE the church! 

The cap of the Washington Monument is engineered with aluminum RODS that DRAWS LIGHTNING through the center and into the ground (earth). (the rod attracts lightning!) Moses was given a staff – a ROD, that when lifted, ATTRACTED the POWER of God and released the supernatural into the natural realm! When Moses stretched out his staff toward the sky, the LORD sent thunder and hail, and lightning flashed down to the ground. So the LORD rained hail on the land of Egypt; – Exodus 9:23-24. God EMPOWERED Moses with LIGHTNING and He will empower us with supernatural strength (lightning) too!

The Father is on a rescue mission to FREE the INNOCENT… babies and children sold into slavery. God’s people must RISE up from their SLUMBER and JOIN the King of Kings in HIS rescue MISSION to the LOST. We are either FOR Him or AGAINST Him. Right or Wrong. Good or Bad. Righteous or Evil… We must stop compromising… There is NO GREY AREA with GOD! I see FIRE and WRATH on the altar of incense, the BLOOD and suffering of children has moved the heart and the hand of the Father… I believe and I pray that this is the people group (children) that God is saving during the EXODUS of this hour.

If you don’t think you have what it takes to make a difference, you are in good company. Moses did not feel adequate for the call of leadership on his life. “Then Moses answered (God) and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.’ ” – Exodus 4:1. After Moses finished making excuses, and Gave God his YES, God sent him to Egypt, to demand the release of the Israelites from slavery.

Prophetic word - creative metaphors, Abraham LincolnThis morning, I dreamt of the Abraham Lincoln monument. Lincoln used his powerful MORAL rhetoric (persuasive) and took ACTION in the FIGHT to END SLAVERY and WIN the CIVIL WAR. Wow… small dream, HUGE meaning! Many Christians have been so afraid of man, (me included) that we have stopped speaking out Gods moral code, because we don’t want to make people angry. A demonic spirit named “Politically Correct” was released and we aligned ourselves with it!

Prophetically, God blew a TRUMPet to get our attention. I guess he couldn’t find a Christian, so He raised up modern day Cyrus, (worldly person, chosen to fulfill God’s purpose)… A WRECKING BALL TO THE SYSTEM and a POLITICALLY INCORRECT VOICE in the governmental arena. I know, I get it, he is often snarky, even rude. But,… he is a FIGHTER for LIFE, LIBERTY and FREEDOM, which is sadly more than I can say for a lot of Christians these days, (self included). I’m amazed by the unprecidented, ALL OUT WAR, to remove Trump from office. Could it be, it’s because he is NOT ONE of THEM and CAN NOT BE BOUGHT by them? Is it possible that he is one of US, a patriot, who truly loves America, land of the free? 

Trump is the 45th president. Interesting that Isaiah 45 — is a bout a leader named, Cyrus, that did not know God, but God used him for HIs purposes towards the faithful. “I will make all his (Cyrus) paths straight and level. He will BUILD my city and RELEASE MY EXILED PEOPLE, NOT because he was BRIBED or HIRED to do it, (Trump takes no paycheck) declares the Almighty Yahweh!” This is what Yahweh says to Cyrus: “EGYPTS WEALTH,- (Prophetic Word 21) treasures, and the tall Sabeans will all be HANDED OVER  to you. In CHAINS (jail time) they will walk behind you.-Isaiah 45

In 538 BC, King Cyrus’ army overthrew the Babylonians. This allowed about forty thousand Jews to return to Jerusalem, and ENDED the Babylonian CAPTIVITY. President Trump set Jerusalem free from un-recognition when he DECLARED and recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. Trump IS a friend of Israel and a voice of freedom for you.EXODUS Prophetic word, creative metaphor, freedo

During the D.C. storm, TWO guard’s were STRUCK by lightning, at about MIDNIGHT. (12) Prophetically speaking; (2) = division. (12) = Gods government. (2) – Evil spirit of division recently released into our streets and I pray for the government God, to RECLAIM and REALIGN our country.

For the last 68 days, God has been speaking to me about the Exodus. I believe we are in a time of discipline from the Father. Oh how great is our SIN, but even greater is the MERCY of God. We do not deserve it… but an offer of grace is available, if we will turn back to God. A CALL to REPENTANCE has been proclaimed. Many are lying upon the altar of repentance, in brokenness and humility… and for THIS REMNANT, the Fathers heart is moved with mercy, healing, and love. 2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land. God is for us, and He is with us! It is time to PUSH BACK the ENEMY and take back the ground for King Jesus. God will help us bring the kingdom of heaven to earth. Psalm 18:14 – He shot his arrows and scattered his enemies; with flashes of lightning he sent them running. The valleys of the sea were exposed (drain the swamp) and the foundations of the earth laid bare at your rebuke, LORD, at the blast of breath from your nostrils.


During worship, a prophetic word was released that Jesus was giving new gifts. I asked Jesus what my gift was, and HE called it “THUNDER”. I thought to myself, thunder? what does that mean?! Then today, a friend sent out an article titled, “THE MUZZEL HAS TO GO! VOICES of THUNDER WILL CLEAR THE AIR.” In the article it said, “ Unleash the power of your pen…Your un-muzzled voice is going to release such a deliverance anointing and sound of freedom that will set captives free, dismantle darkness, build kingdom, and destroy hells fortresses. ”WOW! This is what I have been writing about today!

Ezekiel 24:27 – “At that time your MOUTH will be opened; you will SPEAK with him and no longer be silent. So you will be a sign to them, and they will know that I Am the LORD.” 

Finally Saints, … BE BOLD…  BE FEARLESS… BE THE THUNDER in your city!


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