Sing Like a Canary

by | Apr 16, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 0 comments

Prophetic word, written in the language of creative metaphor. This post will help you connect with God, and get relief from stress and anxiety.

“SING LIKE A CANARY” 2020 Prophetic Word #8, April 16

The number of this post (8) and today’s date (16) stands out to me. The number 8 means new beginnings and resurrection life. The number 16 means perfected in love. 

Today I heard God say these words; 

“If I’m gonna be LOCKED UP in a CAGE, I’m gonna SING like a CANARY!” I initially thought Jesus was being playful with me because I’m joyful and love singing.

Exodus 2020 Prophetic Word - metaphor

But when I looked up the definition of that phrase, I realized God wanted to reveal something to me. If someone sings like a canary, they tell everything they know about a crime or wrongdoing to the police or authorities. These singing canaries are also GUILTY of the CRIME! …

I’m having an aha moment, and my happy-go-lucky demeanor slipped off my face. Ohhh… I’m weeping now. This is part of why we are locked up in our houses, being DISCIPLINED by the Father. 

While we’ve been enjoying our happy little lives, joyfully singing and worshiping God, we missed some critical things on PAPA’S HEART! The babies, the kids, the innocents. Oh no, Lord! Yes, I AM GUILTY! Please change my heart! If you feel led, repent with me and ask God for fresh fire in your heart.

Matthew 24:12 – (TPT) There will be such an increase of sin and lawlessness that those whose hearts once burned with passion for God and others will grow COLD. Lord, let not my heart grow cold! The world has become DESENSITIZED. We must connect with God and His heart of compassion for the world.

April 16, 2020

Today a friend inspired me to press into the word that Holy Spirit spoke to me yesterday; “If I’m gonna be locked up in a cage, I’m gonna sing like a canary!” The prophetic has layers of meaning, so I asked the Lord to SHOW me MORE, and He has.

There IS another group of prisoners being set free in the Exodus…CRIMINALS. I saw a vision of Jesus in a prison MAIL ROOM. He was sorting through the mail, collecting letters from the saints. He then used His thumb to release a red seal – the SEAL of SALVATION. 

Exodus 2020 prophetic word

I saw prisoners giving their hearts to Jesus after reading these letters. They will have a new beginning. They are going to sing a NEW SONG! If you have a loved one in jail, I encourage you to write to them and SHARE your FAITH! Write it with RED ink, and appropriate His blood. The anointing of God will be in the ink and on your words. I also perceive that in the prisons (cages), some birds show NO repentance. I pray that these canaries will rat on their co-conspirators to cut themselves a deal. Let’s pray over prisons and prisoners.

I learned an interesting fact; Coal miners depend on canaries in cages to give ADVANCE WARNINGS of dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide – a poison that affects OXYGEN.

The birds and cages are carried into the mines to detect toxins and save lives. Wow, that’s something to ponder! Toxins that affect oxygen make me think of Covid. I wonder what the criminal canaries know about covid that we don’t know.

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Read the next post in this series – “THE RESCUE” 2020 Prophetic Word #9, April 18


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