Sound the Alarm!

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 0 comments

Sound the Alarm, Exodus 2020 Prophetic Word - metaphor

“SOUND THE ALARM!” 2020 Prophetic Word #3, 4/10/2020

I drifted off to sleep while listening to a Bible app.

 Suddenly, I was AWAKENED! – as the reader said, “THUS SAYS THE LORD, AT MIDNIGHT, I will go out into the midst of Egypt; and strike all the firstborn in the land and against all the god’s of Egypt I will execute JUDGEMENT.”

Exodus 11:6 – …there shall be a GREAT CRY. Exodus 11:9 – Pharaoh (means one who uses power & authority to oppress others. (A TYRANT) 

Exodus 11:9 – Pharaoh will NOT LISTEN to you, SO THAT MY WONDERS may be MULTIPLIED! Immediately I glanced at the CLOCK, which was precisely 12:00 – midnight! 

God, you have my FULL attention! Biblically the number 12 means CHRIST’S GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY, COMPLETION, and PERFECTION.

Oh wow, Today is the 10th, and the firstborn in Exodus 11:6 is the TENTH plague! Exodus 12:3 says on the tenth day of this month, take a lamb in preparation of Passover – when God spared His people from the spirit of death! Oh yes, there is something very special about THIS Passover. 

Pharaoh (tyrant leader) is hell-bent on KEEPING us PRISONERS, DESTROYING our ECONOMY, and ushering in satan’s one-world-order agenda (globalism). vs 9, (Pharaoh will not listen to you) But we know the story! God will FORCE SATAN’S HAND and multiply His WONDERFUL WORKS on our behalf! 

We need to Focus on God’s PROMISES and PRAY through this PUSH BACK from the enemy. Get ready for GODS GLORY, because it is coming!!! 

Connect with God deeply and He will relieve the stress and anxiety the enemy has released.

I had a VISION. I was walking through the DARK, QUIET streets of Egypt. GOD’S people were SAFE in their homes. We were at rest in the presence of God and covered in the blood of His love. 


This was the last plague brought upon Pharaoh. ITS OVER! Covid is coming to an end. Relief from stress and anxiety brought by this virus has come. Exodus 11:1b – When he LETS YOU GO, he (Pharaoh) will surely drive you out of here ALL TOGETHER! The FREED, God’s people UNIFIED…as one, ONE VOICE.


Passover is about DELIVERANCE. CAPTIVES SET FREE, and CHILDREN released! There is FREEDOM from strongholds and bondage! DELIVERANCE from ADDICTION, MENTAL ILLNESS, DEPRESSION, APATHY, ect. We must DECLARE freedom over these things!

THIS IS a Biblical PASSOVER, and time of RESCUE. We are in EXODUS chapter 11. Do not worry about MONEY. Do NOT STRIVE to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. ASK God. 

DECLARE! Exodus 11:2 – SPEAK NOW in the hearing of the people (Egyptians) And let every man ask from his neighbor, and every woman from her neighbor, for articles of SILVER and articles of GOLD and the Lord gave the people FAVOR in the sight of the Egyptians. (their enemies) 

PAYBACK is COMING. Transference of wealth is coming! Today is GOOD Friday – What a happy day! 

Exodus 12:2…THIS month shall be your BEGINNING…TODAY is APRIL 10! Exodus 12:3 – On the 10th of this month…. take the blood and put it on your door post…I WILL PASS OVER YOU. JESUS BLED for THEM and He BLED for YOU… “CHOOSE LIFE” That is the only “choice.”

I had a vision of an army of ANTS IN TUNNELS. Suddenly the ANTS came UP and OUT. It was like a great ARMY of Christians! Jesus says that there is MORE TO THIS STORY. I will release it when He tells me more, but for now, SHINE YOUR BOOTS and GET READY to MARCH!

Matthew 24:27- The appearing of the SON of Man will BURST forth with the brightness of a LIGHTNING STRIKE that shines from one end of the sky to the other, illuminating the earth… ‘The sun will be DARKENED and the moon give NO LIGHT. The STARS will FALL from the SKY and all the cosmic powers will be SKAKEN.’ Then the SIGN announcing the Son of Man will appear in the SKY, and all the nations of the earth will mourn over him. And they will see the Son of Man appearing in the clouds of heaven, revealed with MIGHTY POWER, GREAT SPLENDOR, and GLORY. And he will send his MESSENGERS with the loud blast of the TRUMPET, (Trump?) and with a great VOICE (this is the year of the VOICE) they will gather his beloved chosen ones by the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other!” (Great Harvest of souls all over the earth?)

Prophetic Update:

I got it wrong. I felt so strongly that God would deliver us in 4/2020. It is now 12/22, and although some parts of this prophetic word are starting to come to fruition, we are STILL WAITING for freedom from Pharoah. (Deep State) Although my timing was way off, This word is from the Lord, and He will fulfill it at the proper time.

I do believe, perhaps more than ever before, that deliverance IS ON IT’S WAY! Prophetic words often come with a sense of urgency and a feeling that it’s happening right NOW. That is why timing is difficult to predict.

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Read the next post in this series – “RATS IN THE WHITEHOUSE” 2020 Prophetic Word #4, April 11.

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