Exodus 2020 prophetic word - metaphor, Survivor

“SURVIVOR” 2020 Prophetic Word #18, May 7

Day 4 and on and off my body is still trembling. Haggai 2:4-7 – BE STRONG, all you people of the land,’ declares the Lord, AND WORK. For I AM WITH YOU,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of EGYPT. And MY SPIRIT REMAINS among you. Do not fear.’ “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more SHAKE THE HEAVENS and the EARTH, the SEA and the dry LAND. I WILL SHAKE ALL nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with GLORY,’ says the Lord Almighty.

I SAW JESUS standing OUTSIDE OF THE entrance to a  CHURCH that I am close with. People were WAITING in LINE (church closed) to see Jesus. He spoke with intentionality. “Do I have your yes?” He said it a second time, “DO I HAVE YOUR YES?!” Everyone exclaimed YES! And Jesus replied, “Then RUN your RACE! Jesus was handing out envelopes to each person. The ENVELOPES carried 3 items; IDOLS, ASSIGNMENTS and a CLUE written on parchment paper. Some of the envelopes were THICK and some were THIN. At the moment one received their envelope from Jesus, they read their assignment and took off RUNNING.  … ONCE YOU KNOW, GO!

The scene changed … and now the people were on the island of SURVIVOR. They were RUNNING in DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS  through a JUNGLE. (disunity, struggling, bewildered, confused) While in the jungle, each one went to a HIDDEN place, (SECRET place with God) so that they could open their envelope, in PRIVACY. (Just you and God)


The envelopes had IMMUNITY IDOLS (love of false gods). At first, the competitors were excited, because the idols were like an AWARD. They gave you POINTS, ADVANTAGES, and special PERKS, that helped you GET AHEAD and WIN the GAME.

But God is DONE PLAYING GAMES. The players quickly realized that God wanted them to DISPOSE their IDOLES, because those things would be of NO USE to them in the DAYS AHEAD.

After this, I HEARD a GREAT CRY in the JUNGLE! The greater the sin and attachment to ones idols, the harder it will be to let go of them. Everyone was CRYING through the PROCESS of laying it all down. God is DEALING with SIN in a HUGE WAY… Matthew 21:44 – Anyone who falls on THIS STONE (humble, contrite, before God) will be BROKEN TO PIECES, ANYONE ON WHOM IT FALLS WILL BE CRUSHED! ( judgement/ strong discipline) – Matthew 21:44. I am feeling the fear of the Lord again. Church, don’t miss THIS MOMENT to GET IT RIGHT! 

WHAT! God is amazing me again… A couple of hours after I wrote the above, I joined Rich and our daughter, on Skype, to watch a Survivor re-run. (Watching Surviver is their father, daughter thing.) Let’s COMPARE what I just wrote in the paragraphs preceding, with the Survivor episode that we just watched: On the island named, EDGE of EXTINCTION, The Survivor Players, were given a CLUE, WRITTEN on a PARCHMENT PAPER. (the envelope)


The moment they were given the INSTRUCTIONS, (stone tablet w/ instructions) they jumped up, and RACED down the beach, where they then, SPLIT off into DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS, going into the JUNGLE (church split?, struggling, bewildered, confused) to search for the “STONE THRONE”! (Mount Sinai, stone tablets)

In the end, the exhausted winner, arrived at the throne and THREW HERSELF UPON the ROCK, where the box with an ADVANTAGE lay-ed …(Matthew 21:44  – broken by the Rock) The advantage she received was to GET MONEY!

Beloved, repent and disclose your secrets, destroy your idols, return to God and fall upon His mercy, that you may not be crushed! There is great blessing coming to the pure and repentant ones.

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Read the next post in this series –

“TREASURE TROVE” 2020 Prophetic Word #19, May 11


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