The Judgment of Judas

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Home 9 Crossing Over; Step into the Promise 9 The Judgment of Judas

Exodus 2020 prophetic word - metaphor, the judgment of Judas

“The JUDGMENT of JUDAS” 2020 Prophetic Word #26, April 11

This morning, the Lord said, I want you to study the book of ACTS. Todays prophetic release is #11. Biblically, number 11 means JUDGEMENT, DISORDER, and CHAOS. I just heard reports that North Korea’s, evil dictator, Kim Jong-Un is BRAIN DEAD and possibly dead, and that this fulfills a prophecy given by Kim Clement on 9/15/2006


Then I read ACTS 1:15 – JUDAS ISCARIOT, driven by GREED, BETRAYED JESUS. He HUNG HIMSELF on a tree, then FELL HEAD FIRST, and his BELLY WAS SPLIT OPEN, spilling his INTESTINES on the GROUND.

Judas purchased a field with the BLOOD MONEY he received for his betrayal. Judas hung himself in that same field. He rotted there  for ALL TO SEE.

This is just what happened in my RAT DREAM! ( #1) The rats belly was CUT OPEN with its GUTS hanging out. I believe JUDGEMENT has begun on various rats involved in great EVIL. These partners of evil have stolen life from the ones that Jesus now lives within. They will surely die for their sin.

KIM JONG – UN ( another type of Judas) had heart surgery, and as a result lost brain function. Kim Jone- Un FELL on his HEAD because he had an EVIL HEART. His fall was on his HEAD – “BRAIN DEAD.” More will FALL and EVERYONE WILL SEE.

I just looked up the prophet Kim Clement. (now deceased) Clements prophecies ranging from 2006 through 2016 about North Korea are INCREDIBLE! – How have I not heard these prophecies before?! I am so ENCOURAGED! You can find Kims entire Prophecy about N. Korea on the internet, but here are the parts of Kim Clements prophecy that pertain to todays prophetic release:


God said a sign shall be this – TWO SIGNS shall I give you: one shall be the DEATH of a LEADER who shall rapidly deteriorate in Korea.

For God said, I will take both North and South and MAKE IT ONE. Kim, your days are numbered, says the Lord… I’m speaking of the Prime Minister of North Korea. God said enough is enough. I want a SOUND to come and God said I will do it. But the other shall be the stepping down of a Prime Minister of the Lion of the Nation of Great Britain. – Kim Clement 9/15/2006. For God said, watch, I have told you that CHINA and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA would enter into a PACT and a BOND and this is happening though predicted years ago. For North Korea has stood and they have prodded the giant and God said, they are now going to regret…

For God says THEY have already DECIDED to SEND INTO THE ATMOSPHERE which would POISON and DESTROY MY PEOPLE and GOD SAYS, it shall not succeed, it shall NOT SUCCEED!  – Kim Clement 10/21/2006. 

North Korea is only the beginning of the submission of the nations. CHINA is LOOKING upon this nation now and SAYING if they are AFRAID and they are INTERNALLY DIVIDED and …cannot fulfill what they had said concerning Iraq and the Middle East then we shall SURELY stand to WIN AGAINST THEM.  – Kim Clement 7/14/2007. For I say unto those: Korea, Korea, North Korea, once again I speak to you. You that have EATEN the grapes of SODOM, you shall DRINK the wine of GOMORRAH. For God said, this day judgment shall not come to this Nation as they have depicted.

– Kim Clement 8/31/2008. SOUTH KOREA, NORTH KOREA shall BECOME ONE, says the Lord. North Korea, your PRESIDENT IS DEAD, he is already dead, I have already written on the wall ‘mene, mene, tekel, parsin.’ God said, your days are numbered, you have been COUNTED in the BALANCES…Therefore, Kim, it is now time now for you to FACE this that YOU HAVE DONE has been INIQUITOUS. You are NO LONGER ALIVE, YOU ARE A VEGETABLE, YOU ARE BRAIN DEAD. And God said, because of that, I will cause that to bring about UNITY… in South and North Korea and the GREATEST MOVE OF THE SPIRIT SHALL COME FROM THERE. –  Kim Clement 4/4/2009. It shall be a HORRIFIC THING that shall transpire. It shall happen even in the sun started shining and blazing, that North Korea shall say “Let us take a chance.” The Spirit of God said but it is too late.

For you see, AMERICA, … you have thought about the POSSIBILITY of this ATTACK, but I have already formed again the DOWNFALL of KIM. It shall NOT have to BE the United States that FIGHTS. It shall be INSIDE. They shall REMOVE FATHER and SON. And the Spirit of God said, I told you there shall be a UNITED KOREA! And let my words go down and be engraved in the hearts of my people.- Kim Clement 6/27/2009. The MIDGETS; the MIDGETS WHO ARE IN POWER. It started way back – Napoleon Bonaparte, Mussolini, Hitler – all the SMALL MEN. All the small midgets have endeavored to stand up high and prove their power. And God says, “Watch how they have tried it. Look at Kim” … not me, look at Kim in Korea. “These are SMALL MEN but with GREAT APPETITES for POWER.” God says, “WATCH” – listen to me all over the world because there are PEOPLE WATCHING ON THE INTERNET NOW and THEY ARE HEARING THE WORD OF THE LORD…“I will TOPPLE the SHORT MEN who have ENDEAVORED  to TAKE MY POWER and use it,” says the LORD. “WATCH THEM GO ONE BY ONE. I’LL TAKE THEM OUT.” – Kim Clement 2/18/2011. In North Korea, keep your eye open,” God says. “BEFORE the SUMMER months, you will say, ‘Look what’s happening in North Korea.’ And this shall be a SIGN TO YOU that I am CAUSING LEADERS that have WICKED INTENTIONS to be BROUGHT DOWN. – Kim Clement 4/14/2012

In NK, SK, in India, China, HK and all the regions of the Far East to the Middle East will LINK UP WITH YOUNG PEOPLE in AMERICA. This REVOLUTION shall SPREAD and the SOUNDS will be so UNIQUE that it is UNDENIABLE AND THE CHURCH LEADERS WILL STAND UP AND CONDEM IT. – Kim Clement 3/2/2013

Do not be afraid of North Korea, do not be afraid of Iran; do not be afraid of the nations, for in 2016 everything will change says the Lord. There will be A SOUND OF LIBERTY FROM THE WHITE HOUSE. THERE WILL BE A SOUND OF PRAYERS FROM THE WHITE HOUSE. – Kim Clement 8/29/2015. 

Some parts of this word made me cry. Two of my prophetic friends got a similar word from God, “that a NEW SOUND, a DIFFERENT SOUND of WORSHIP is going to be a part of this next MOVE OF GODS SPIRIT and PEOPLE will NOT LIKE IT.”

My first thought was, OH NO, I hope its NOT LIKE RAP music! But that’s the thing… be prepared, that weather we like tor not, IT IS FROM GOD! So let’s ready our hearts, and get on board with a new sound from heaven, – even if we got to rap! Hah!

PRAYER AND FREEDOM released from the White House, how amazing is that! Until now, the government has pushed for more and more CONTROL and LESS FREEDOM. But NOW LIBERTY is COMING! I wonder W.H.O. are the midgets in POWER? Could one of them be the LITTLE man FAUCI? – Dare I say!

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  • Inspired storytelling with nature sounds that create an atmosphere of peace.
  • Guided relaxation that invites life with Holy Spirit, and relief from stress and anxiety.
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Read the next post in this series –
“TIME REWIND” Prophetic Word –  Metaphor #12, April 29


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