“THE SURRENDER” 2020 Prophetic Word #20, April 10, 2020
God is speaking to the body more today than ever before. It feels like we know everything, yet nothing at all!
I’ve been running with a group of prophetic voices. I’m amazed by how we are receiving the same downloads and similar dreams.
Catherine has incredible dreams and prophetic revelations, with a journal of events and dates we watch unfold right before our eyes. Tiffany receives nearly the same downloads, and her words are like poetry from the heart of the Father. Many of you are also sharing your revelations from Jesus with me. God is doing something NEW that we have yet to fully understand.
Acts 2:17 – “In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.”
Prophetic Word : 
I love riding my e-bike—it makes me feel childlike and free! It’s also one of my favorite ways to sing and pray.
Today, while riding, I asked Jesus, “So, what’s going to happen?” With a playful look in His eyes, He said, “I already told you.” I responded, “I know, but I just want to know more!” I could tell I amused Him.
But in his love for me, he showed me more. I was given a vision of my friends, and we looked like little schoolgirls about to go on a FIELD TRIP. We were all giggling and bouncing with excitement for our field (harvest) trip! We didn’t care where we were going—we just knew it would be fun, and we’d learn new things. Then I heard, “LINE UP!” and we quickly moved into position to board the school bus. We formed a single-file line, representing UNITY and a focus on the WORD of God. The bus represents a time of LEARNING, resulting in a LARGE MINISTRY. Jesus is leading this MOVEMENT.
This is where we are in our Exodus 2020 story. The remnant—a group of joyful, childlike believers—has REPENTED and made the necessary adjustments to ALIGN with the heart and ways of the Spirit of God.
Next, I saw Jesus lift His arms, and His robe transformed into a large white banner, like a shield. I felt set apart. On the other side of the banner, civilians were wrestling with green soldiers—ANGELS—and the angels were winning. As each struggle ended, the civilian (representing the flesh) died, and the angel planted a WHITE FLAG OF SURRENDER.
I heard the song “I SURRENDER ALL.” Lyrics; “All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give. I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily I live. All to Jesus I surrender, HUMBLY AT HIS FEET I BOW. WORDLY PLEASURES ALL FORSAKEN, Take me, Jesus, take me now. Let me feel the Holy Spirit, Truly know that Thou art mine…All to Jesus I SURRENDER.”
Jacob WRESTLED with an ANGEL from the Lord and got WOUNDED in the PROCESS. God mercifully restrained His hand as Jacob wept and struggled with being WILLING TO YIELD. Genesis 32: 26-30, Hosea 12:4.
Which SIDE of the banner do you see yourself on? If you are wrestling with God, what are you holding on to? RELENT and RETURN to your God! His JOY is waiting to overtake you!
JUSTICE IS COMING. Watch as the hand of the Lord fights for you.
Later in the week, a friend from Heritage church called me. She had a DREAM about RATS and was seeking to understand it. She saw dead rats at the bottom of a swimming pool, and HYPNOTIC CAT EYES were in the pool. (Alice in Wonderland – witchcraft) There was a dead rat with a dead fish in its mouth that rose to the surface. At first, I wasn’t sure if this was related to the Exodus 2020 words, but my last word post #4 was titled: “Rats in the White House”. I thought there might be a connection.
Later, while cleaning a trash can, understanding came to me; The dead rat rising to the surface with a dead fish in its mouth was a symbol. Jesus is a FISHER OF MEN, (fish are men) but Satan (the rat) is a KILLER OF MEN. The rat, representing evil, is being EXPOSED in POOLS where people fellowship (swim/play) but also in the White House! “Rats in the White House.” The rats will be CAUGHT IN THE ACT of killing. There are more “dead rats” to come out, MANY MORE I believe, and God will deal with them ALL. The people in LOW PLACES ( high places – the ELITE ) have yet to come out of the darkness… but rest assured…JUSTICE IS COMING! Watch as the hand of the Lord fights for you in powerful and miraculous ways!
Update – 9/21/2024
This morning at the S.P.A. ministry, Neil and Cherisse released words about a time of the white flag and of complete surrender to God. Holy Spirit led us in the song, “I surrender all” and the Lord brought to my mind this post from 2020. I have sat with Jesus, He tells me that NOW is the time of FULFILLMENT of this word! Evil rats are being revealed and taken out, Praise God! The angel army is prevailing! THE HARVEST IS AT HAND! Let every evil thing that lies in darkness be brought out into the light!
Wow…as I’m writing this update I glance at my phone and this message pops up! Haha… Jesus you have my attention! 👇
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Do you need hope, healing, and wholeness? Imagine connecting personally and interactively to God in such a way that you can feel His abiding presence and experience His great love for you.
Read the next post in this series –
“JUDGMENT” 2020 Prophetic Word #26, April 11