The Trembling

by | May 4, 2020 | Crossing Over; Step into the Promise | 0 comments

Exodus 2020 prophetic word - metaphor, The Trembling

“THE TREMBLING” 2020 Prophetic Word #14, May 4 🐝

Something is up, guys! This is day two of my body LITERALLY TREMBLING. (shaking) At first I thought it was from the coffee, but this shaking has gone on ALL DAY, and again all morning. Oh my! I just got a text from Cat, asking if we ever feel our bodies shaking?! … Tiffany said, “It is multi layered. We are sensing what is happening in the spiritual and the natural realm.” 

 Acts 2:17 -‘“IN THE LAST DAYS, God says, I will POUR OUT MY SPIRIT on ALL people. Your sons and daughters WILL PROPHECY, your young men WILL SEE VISIONS, your old men will DREAM DREAMS. As I have said before, I am RUNNING with a group of prophets that are getting EXTRAORDINARY DOWNLOADS from Jesus, through visions and dreams. Many of you are getting revelation from the Lord, and much of it is the same or very similar. HONEY from heaven has been released, and the bees (christians) are RISING UP from oppression and releasing the strategies of the LORD.Exodus 2020 prophetic word - metaphor, The Trembling

For the last 4 months, God has been revealing things to my friend, Cat, about BEE’S. She had a dream that she was being chased by bees, and a hornet stung her twice. In the natural, Tiffany and her daughter both got stung by a bee at the beach. Also this week, Cat went to look at a house. THOUSANDS of BEES were flying in the yard making a beehive. God said to her, “Get ready to GO out and PREACH the GOSPEL. She said that prophetically, a BEEHIVE can represent the CHURCH. God is calling the church to GO OUT into the STREETS to gather HIS HARVEST of SWEET ONES.

Little beehives (House churches) are POPPING up EVERYWHERE. God is preparing PLACES for the body to RECEIVE, RESTORE and DISCIPLE those being saved in this EPIC, BILLION SOUL HARVEST that we are about to experience.

And GET THIS…MAY 30th is the 30th anniversary of Lonni frisBEE … Fris- BEE! And the anniversary of THE JESUS MOVEMENT!!! – That crazy, wild, arising of HIPPIES for Jesus! Oh I am such a hippie (at heart) This was the HISTORIC JESUS MOVEMENT! Oh come on Jesus, YOU are an AWESOME GOD!

Church, are YOU getting the BUZ yet! GET READY to FLY like an army of BEES!!! I can hardly believe we are living in such EPIC historical TIMES!

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Read the next post in this series –

“FIGHTING PRINCIPALITIES” 2020 Prophetic Word #16, May 4


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