Washed in His Blood: Prophetic Insights on Spiritual and National Freedom.

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Home 9 Crossing Over - Prophetic Word - Creative Metaphor 9 Washed in His Blood: Prophetic Insights on Spiritual and National Freedom.

Washed in His Blood: Prophetic Insights on Spiritual and National Freedom. 9/25/24

I received a powerful and encouraging word from the Lord to add to the “Exodus and Beyond” series. The last time He spoke to me regarding this particular topic was on November 10, 2022, so I was excited to hear His voice today and eager to share this new insight.

“Therefore, say to the people of Israel; ‘I am the Lord. I will free you from your oppression, and I will rescue you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with a powerful arm and great acts of judgment.!’ -”Exodus 6:6


During a time of self-reflection and repentance with the Lord, I experienced a vivid vision of the Nile River. The Holy Spirit has shown me this river before, often in connection with Moses, but this time was different. In my vision, I found myself standing in the midst of the Nile River, dressed in a simple white gown. The water shimmered under the sunlight as I splashed the translucent red blood of Jesus over myself.

Rev. 7:14 “These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

Suddenly, the river was filled with dead bodies! I was shocked as I saw the bodies floating past me down the Nile. This vision reminds me of the various prophetic words I’ve received over the last four years about floods—floods that carry people away.

Jesus is calling both believers and unbelievers into the river of repentance. Those who repent and are washed in His blood receive the incomprehensible gift of having their sins washed away and becoming spotless in the eyes of God. For believers who have humbled themselves and live a repentant life, this is a season of upgrade and fulfillment of divine promises and purposes!

In contrast, evildoers, oppressors, war-mongers, pedophiles, and those who hate God will be overwhelmed by the consequences of their own sins. Their evil deeds will be exposed for all to see. They will be brought low and hang their heads in shame as they plunge into this time of downfall for Satan and his followers.

What a stark contrast between good and evil, clean and unclean, saved and imprisoned.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. How Much more then shall we be saved from the wrath of God, having now been justified  by His spotless blood” – Romans 5:8-9.

Jesus said to them, “You are from below; I am from above. You belong to this world; I do not. I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am He you will die in your sins.” – John 8:23 

By this you will know that I am the Lord: With the staff that is in my hand I will strike the water of the Nile, and it will be changed into blood. The fish in the Nile will die, and the river will stink; the Egyptians will not be able to drink its water.’ ” – Exodus 7:17 


Our current state: 

In Exodus chapter 3, God appears to Moses as a blazing fire in the center of a Bush. In vs. 7, the Lord said to him, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey!” Vs 10- So now go, I am sending you to Pharaoh. You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt.

In chapter 5, we see that instead of obeying God and freeing His people, Pharaoh and the Egyptian slave drivers increased the burden on the Israelites. They withheld straw for brick-making, forcing the people to work even harder.

In verse 9, Pharaoh orders, “Load them down with more work. Make them sweat! That will teach them to listen to lies!” The slave drivers became even more brutal, beating God’s people and intensifying their oppression


This story parallels what our country is experiencing today. We are heavily burdened with our constitutional freedoms at risk. Those who speak out or stand up against tyranny are often silenced or punished. Some have been imprisoned, or ostracized by family, many have lost their jobs, and others have been removed from positions of influence. They are labeled as domestic threats & terrorists, conspiracy theorists, and tin foil hat conspirators and are subjected to relentless gaslighting.

The Straw:

“Work harder to have less!” seems to be the mantra. Food prices have increased by 25-30%, driven by “supply chain issues”. (Supposedly)

Rent has risen by 33.6% in just the past three years. Approximately 4.9% of the workforce now holds two or more jobs just to make ends meet.

The Bricks

Our national debt stands at $33 trillion, with interest payments of approximately $1.8 billion per day.

This debt is passed on to us through taxes. As of mid-2024, the United States has spent around $75 billion in taxpayer dollars to support Ukraine in their defense. NATO, an alliance of 31 countries, is responsible for the collective defense of its members—yet Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Why, then, are we funding their war and who stands to gain? 

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. – 1 Timothy 6:10

Make them sweat:

Did you know that every dollar we earn is taxed about four times over? In addition, we are burdened with ongoing taxes, fees, and licenses for nearly everything. There are over 1,100 different occupational licenses required at the state level alone.

Beyond that, thousands of permits and licenses are required for various activities, businesses, and events. A list of the most controversial ones is included at the bottom of this post.

“We have borrowed money for the king’s tax on our fields and our vineyards. Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brothers, our children are as their children. -Nehemiah 5:4


Pharaoh had no knowledge of Jehovah, no fear of Him, and no love for Him, which is why he refused to obey God. In a similar way, our current government shows contempt for God through its promotion of woke ideology and the push toward Marxism. At its core, socialism is about replacing God with government and trading freedom for tyranny.

Yet, in all these things, God has seen our affliction and heard our cries. The day of justice is near!

And the Lord said, “But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless a mighty hand forces him. So I will raise my hand and strike the Egyptians, performing all kinds of miracles among them. Then at last he will let you go. And I will cause the Egyptians to look favorably on you. They will give you gifts when you go so you will not leave empty-handed. Every Israelite woman will ask for articles of silver and gold and fine clothing from her Egyptian neighbors and from the foreign women in their houses. You will dress your sons and daughters with these, stripping the Egyptians of their wealth.” -Exodus 3:19

Food & Health Concerns:

Is the FDA really an advocate for our health? They certainly haven’t earned my trust. On my own journey, I’ve started paying closer attention to the labels on products I once thought were safe. Bioengineered foods are becoming more common, appearing in many everyday items.

Interestingly, there are other countries that have banned certain American foods. Here’s a brief list of U.S. food products that face import restrictions in other countries due to safety concerns and health regulations:

  1. Hormone-Treated Beef:

Many countries, including the European Union, have strict regulations to protect consumer health and ensure food safety.

  1. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs):

The U.S. produces a large amount of GMO crops, such as corn and soybeans, which are restricted in many nations.

  1. Chlorinated Chicken:

The U.S. uses a method of washing poultry with chlorinated solutions, a practice banned in the European Union.

  1. Certain Food Additives:

Artificial colorings like Red 40, which are allowed in the U.S., are banned in countries like Norway and Austria due to potential health risks.

Medical Tyranny:

In 1950, there were only three recommended immunizations for children, totaling 5 shots. By 2024, there are 14 recommended immunizations, including flu and COVID vaccines starting at six months and repeated annually. A child today could receive between 56 to 62 immunizations by age 18! The autism diagnosis rate was 1 in 10,000 children in the 1950s. By 1980, it rose to 1 in 2,000. In 2000, it jumped to 1 in 150. According to the CDC’s latest statistics from 2023, it is now 1 in 36! – But of course, this has nothing to do with the vaccines! 🫣 Pharmaceutical’s have side effects, many of which are far more serious than the issue they are attempting to treat. 

Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.” – Ezekiel 47:12

Latest documentary in the series that sheds light on vaccine injuries and the importance of informed consent:



We are living in a time where government overreach, economic strain, and health-related concerns have intensified. From increased taxation and unnecessary licensing to the rise of bioengineered foods and mounting medical mandates, the parallels to historical oppression are clear. Like Pharaoh and his slave drivers, our current system shows contempt for God, pushing ideologies that replace faith with control. Yet, as in the days of Moses, God sees and hears the cries of His people. Wash your garments and rend your hearts before the Lord, for the day of justice is approaching and a bitter end awaits those who practice evil! 

Jesus said,

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33


Controversial list of licenses Americans are required to have for various activities:

  1. Florist License (Louisiana):
  • Cost: Approximately $100 for the exam and licensing fees .
  1. Hair Braiding License (Various States):
  • Cost: Varies by state, but the total cost can range from $100 to $500, including training fees. In some cases, cosmetology schools can charge thousands of dollars for unrelated training required for this license .
  1. Interior Designer License (Florida):
  • Cost: The licensing process can cost between $300 and $1,000, depending on state fees and exam costs .
  1. Pet Grooming License (New Jersey):
  • Cost: Training and licensing fees can range from $500 to $1,500, depending on the length of training programs .
  1. Lemonade Stand License (Multiple Cities):
  • Cost: Depending on the location, a permit could cost between $25 and $150.  
  1. Auctioneer License (Texas):
  • Cost: The application fee is typically around $100, with some additional costs for exams. 
  1. Fortune Teller (talking to Demons) License. (New York):
  • Cost: In some cities, fortune tellers pay between $50 and $200 for an annual license. 
  1. Beekeeping License (New Jersey):
  • Cost: Beekeeping permits in urban areas can range from $10 to $100 annually. 
  1. Casket Seller License (Louisiana):
  • Cost: Casket retailers may have to pay upwards of $500 to $1,000 in licensing fees. 

Activity-Based Licenses:

  1. Bingo Caller License (North Carolina):
  • Cost: Licensing fees for charitable bingo games can range from $100 to $200 annually 
  1. Sandwich Board Sign License (New York City):
  • Cost: Businesses may pay between $30 and $100 for a permit to display signs .
  1. Rainwater Harvesting License (Colorado):
  • Cost: The permit fee can vary but is typically between $10 and $50  
  1. Fishing License for Seniors (Alabama):
  • Cost: Approximately $10 to $15 per year 
  1. Paddleboard License (Nebraska):
  • Cost: Paddleboard users may need to pay around $25 for a boating license 
  1. Dance Hall License (Texas):
  • Cost: The license to operate a dance hall can cost between $50 and $500, depending on the venue size 
  1. Hunting with a Falcon License (Several States):
  • Cost: Falconry licenses cost between $50 and $200 annually, plus apprenticeship and exam fees 
  1. Taxidermy License (Pennsylvania):
  • Cost: License fees range from $100 to $200 per year, with some training programs costing more 
  1. Tattoo Artist License (Multiple States):

 19. Manure Spreader License (Pennsylvania):

  • Cost: Typically $50 to $200 per year for a license, though some states require additional fees for training or apprenticeship, which can cost thousands
  • Cost: The permit costs range from $50 to $150 annually 

Miscellaneous Licenses:

Milk Sale License (Maine):

  • Cost: Licenses for raw milk sales range from $10 to $50 per year 
  1. Dog Walking License (New York City):
  • Cost: Approximately $100 per year .
  1. Hypnotist License (Connecticut):
  • Cost: Fees can range from $100 to $300 depending on state requirements .
  1. Vermin Catcher License (Illinois):
  • Cost: The fee for a vermin control license is around $75 annually .

Hunting and Fishing Licenses: Almost every state requires a hunting or fishing license, costing between $10 to $50 for residents and more for non-residents.

  1. Boating License: Many states require a boating license for operators of motorized boats, costing around $25 to $50.
  2. Camping Permit: National parks and some state parks require camping permits, ranging from $10 to $50 per night.
  3. Off-Road Vehicle Permit: ATV and off-road vehicle users often need a permit to ride in certain areas, typically costing $20 to $100.
  4. Hiking Permit: In some national parks, you need a permit to hike certain trails, such as those in the Grand Canyon or Mt. Whitney, and the cost can range from $15 to $50.

These are just some examples, and fees can vary widely based on the state, city, and specific regulations.


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