Who is Jesus? I’m so glad you asked!

Refiner’s Fire; Building a Life That Endures God’s Test

Who is Jesus? I’m so glad you asked!

Jesus Christ, is the Son of God, who came to earth, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. He was crucified, buried in a tomb, and, just as He promised, rose to life three days later, witnessed by over 500 people. In doing so, He fulfilled more than 300 specific prophecies about the Messiah from the Old Testament. Jesus’ sacrifice paid the price for all sinners, offering eternal rescue from the darkness of this world, granting salvation and eternal life to all who place their faith in Him and are redeemed by His blood.

Who is Jesus to me?

He is holy – the standard by which I measure all things. He is the love that fills my heart, the power that heals me, and the kindness that guides my soul. He is the Father who redirects me and the friend who champions me. He is the hope I believe in and the faithful one I entrust my life to.

He is the way, the truth, and the life. Heavens Gift to all mankind!

with love, Candi

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