Attention Church! God has Left the Building

by | Feb 8, 2021 | Dream from God, Spiritual Growth | 1 comment

Home 9 Dream from God 9 Attention Church! God has Left the Building

Attention church; God has left the building


“Attention, Church! God has left the building” 

An inspirational and motivational word for the entertainment-driven church. Released on 2/8/2021

I had a prophetic dream for the Church at large. In the dream, I attended a service at a mega-church that was held in a movie theater. The pastor invited a guest speaker to tell her a dramatic story.

My dad, who is in heaven now, was there, sitting on the sideline. He kept interrupting the service by making comments out loud. People looked over at him, shocked and offended by his comments.

Attention church God has left the building





A man in the second row stood up to speak to the congregation. He shouted, “I thought your dad was a hero?!” It hurt my heart that they didn’t recognize how incredible and wonderful my daddy is.

Then my dad, who now looked like Jesus, rose, walked up the side aisle, out the door, and into the upper room. I followed him.

Attention church, God has left the building







In the upper area, my dad handed me a giant bag of stale, store-bought popcorn. I wanted to make him a fresh batch of popcorn with butter and salt, which I know he loves.

As I looked around the room, I noticed that there was meat left out on the counter. It was in a bag filled with sauce and preservatives. I knew there was no way my dad would eat that and I wasn’t about to serve it to him! I would make fresh popcorn for my dad, though I was concerned that I would upset the church people with the noisy popping.

Next, I saw my dad (Jesus) go back into the theater church and sit in the last seat on the far right to watch “the show”.

Attention church God has left the building





The Lord then drew me to Romans 1:21 for a description of what I had seen:

“For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.”

And Genesis 4:4-5 further reminded me that

“… the LORD had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard.”

This is a strong word of exhortation and warning from the Lord that illuminates how many of our church services have become mere productions, aiming to entertain rather than teach. The Church has become more about ourselves than about our God.

Attention church God has left the building







In this dream, I represent Ecclesia (the true Church) and my dad represents Jesus. Taking a sideline position, Jesus was just observing rather than participating. God is viewed as an interruption rather than the One who is center stage!

Today, He continues to interrupt “the church show” with prophetic words, world events, and natural occurrences such as thunder, lightning, snow, wind, and earthquakes. We, however, lack understanding, and, rather than repent, we are offended by God.

We have expectations of heroic moves of God, that He has not met, and many feel disillusioned and disappointed. And though He has left the building, He can still be found in the upper room.

Attention church God has left the building





Jesus has no interest in the stale, dry grain offerings given from the big church productions but desires a harvest of anointed & seasoned saints. However, the truth of the Word has been forgotten as man tries to package God’s Word so that it’s palatable.

God’s involvement, presence, and covering, have departed from the entertainment church. Nevertheless, Jesus graciously offers the Church another chance to get it right. He sits at the right hand of the father watching and waiting for our response.







We ought to take this word seriously and respond with a change of heart accompanied by action. I feel an urgency for the Church to repent, lay down its plans, opinions, and ideologies, and turn back to God and the fullness of His Word.

We must break down the staging, purify the platforms, discharge the entertainers, and put King Jesus back on CENTER STAGE. Let’s ditch our comfy recliner chairs, overcome the fear of man, get on our faces and weep over how we have defiled God’s holy Church and grieved the Lord. With our hearts laid bare and our gift in hand, we can join the angels in true, undefiled worship of the Lord, Jesus.

Like popping corn, the coming harvest will be fresh, quick, & disruptive and we must be ready to receive and disciple.

Update –

Shortly after posting this word, I went to a Christian conference with our prophetic team. The entire church was decorated like a movie theater!

I am amazed by how God confirmed His word!

The church that was hosting the conference was obviously teaching a thematic sermon series and I am in no way suggesting that they are like the church this post describes.

But CLEARLY, God used this church to confirm His message.  Honestly, we were astonished!

Attention church God has left the building





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If you missed my recent post and love metaphors click image to read, “Hope Floats on Troubled Waters.”

Prophetic word, Hope floats on troubled waters

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1 Comment

  1. Renee

    Yes Candi and I have been hearing that same word about God leaving the church show. Amanda Grace ans Robin Bullock and Deborah if midnight ministries!
    My husband and I moved to Texas almost 4 years ago. We are messianic Believers but, God did not point us to any place to worship as he had done before.
    We listen to rabbi’s we know and love who are also messianic on our Sabbaths and have grown closer to our Abba and Yeshua. God has given me several dreams in our 40 years if being believers and so far all but one has come true. That one was about Yeshua’s second coming.
    God Bless you and your family richly.
    Renee Keyser


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